Racism: It is Allowed IC?

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Right so, I have been told multiple times that racism is allowed in-character. Recently, there were a group of black people that were beating up someone, so I called them 'niggas' in character, and as far as I am aware, racism IC is allowed. And I feel quite angry that Rutger could just give me a warning for it and let a man call me a cunt. I have no idea if Rutger actually did give me a warning, however if he did, I would like it revoked, as there is no rule saying that it is not allowed IC. 1.2 is referring to OOC. Please can an admin, owner or anyone clarify that racism is, or is not allowed IC, thank you.
Racism : "The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." - You aren't meant to do it IRL, so why do it on a RP server.
Some idiots were beating me up IC (punchwhoring) and they did not tell me to stop calling them 'nigs' which I only said once, and then they report it to an admin and I get a warning. Kind of annoying. Also, IRL, if some black people were beating me up, I would probably call them 'niggas' if I got mad.
1.0 Basic Conduct Rules
All users within this community are expected to adhere and are subject to the following rules of conduct. These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not a part of this community; In-Character gameplay is exempt from the Basic Conduct Rules.
There for Rutger was incorrect as the people did not ask me to stop being racist IC?
I never gave you a warning, although I think racism is realistic, I feel it could really offend some people, Which is why I was confused.
People should be able to RP maturely when dealing with things like racism, although, perhaps a little LOOC note that this is purely for IC RP purposes would help.
Bradley;n27642 said:
Racism : "The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." - You aren't meant to do it IRL, so why do it on a RP server.

Racism is something that happens IRL a lot. It isn't something nice, neither is killing. But we're in a serious RP server in a game and we role-play all kinds of situations right?

Yes, in-character racism is ALLOWED. It can be over mic or over text-chat. However, if someone implies anything OOC and acts racist towards you either on mic or chat, that is racism out-of-character and will be dealt with by the staff.

TL;DR: You can call the character a 'nigger' but not the player.