Discussion link: https://perpheads.com/threads/radio-presenter-news-presenter-jobs.19919/
Main idea: Right, so the main idea for these jobs is to add another method of PassiveRPing which appeals to some people. Radio presenter would essentially be like ParalakeFM but, instead of having to use the internet, you could simply get a controller and a YouTube URL, for the News Presenter, there would be a camera available and the TV would be able to link into the camera and watch live.
Full description of the idea: So, with this suggestion, people like Chris and his good Ol' Marmite gang would be able to do some recording of their "Marmite" with the News Presenter job, or, with the purchasing of a camera from "Ragnitec" anyone would be able to see said video if they found the channel within there TV, if however this became a job and the items was only accessible to said job, the news presenter would be able to sit and record the negotiations of hostage situations (within a safe area) or even record the aftermath of crashes or even, events, one event this would be useful for is the "zombie outbreak" event as they would be able to go out, and record what's going on and such. The radio presenter would be similar, there would be a job for this to prevent people from using it properly such as putting troll songs on. This job would place 1-2 people and there would be 2 empty radio slots within the Q menu within a car or on the radio where a listener could tune into if they were being used. News presenters would also be able to be hired to record "TV shows" such as "A day in the life of a cop" or "How its made: Marmite" or something like that.
Why should it be added: These additions should be accepted as I believe PassiveRPing would be a much more popular type of RP, I also believe these additions should be accepted as at the moment, in order to be within the news is to make an advert with the tag [PLN] after people run around trying to find stuff to advertise.
- More jobs
- Different music
- No need to RP as a news presenter
- Both may be incorrectly used
Main idea: Right, so the main idea for these jobs is to add another method of PassiveRPing which appeals to some people. Radio presenter would essentially be like ParalakeFM but, instead of having to use the internet, you could simply get a controller and a YouTube URL, for the News Presenter, there would be a camera available and the TV would be able to link into the camera and watch live.
Full description of the idea: So, with this suggestion, people like Chris and his good Ol' Marmite gang would be able to do some recording of their "Marmite" with the News Presenter job, or, with the purchasing of a camera from "Ragnitec" anyone would be able to see said video if they found the channel within there TV, if however this became a job and the items was only accessible to said job, the news presenter would be able to sit and record the negotiations of hostage situations (within a safe area) or even record the aftermath of crashes or even, events, one event this would be useful for is the "zombie outbreak" event as they would be able to go out, and record what's going on and such. The radio presenter would be similar, there would be a job for this to prevent people from using it properly such as putting troll songs on. This job would place 1-2 people and there would be 2 empty radio slots within the Q menu within a car or on the radio where a listener could tune into if they were being used. News presenters would also be able to be hired to record "TV shows" such as "A day in the life of a cop" or "How its made: Marmite" or something like that.
Why should it be added: These additions should be accepted as I believe PassiveRPing would be a much more popular type of RP, I also believe these additions should be accepted as at the moment, in order to be within the news is to make an advert with the tag [PLN] after people run around trying to find stuff to advertise.
- More jobs
- Different music
- No need to RP as a news presenter
- Both may be incorrectly used