Map Suggestion Raid Spam / More House, Appartment Options

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Suggestion Title: Raid Spam / More House, Appartment Options
Suggestion Description: In advance i want to tell you sorry for all spelling errors i have made. Because my grammar is not that good :D

So i have played on this server for not that long. I think like 15 hours. But i noticed it is really really hard for new players to get a grasp because of the constant raid spam. And people just shooting you down because they feel like it.
I woud love more varity in houses and / or appartment. So you dont get raid spammed as often.

Why should this be added?:
- People woud spread more around the map, and not just Regal or Suburbs. That woud also be more fun for cops/medics. Because they dont have to go to Regal 20x a day.
- More House / Appartment Layouts
- More livable space
- Just in general everything woud spread out a bit
- More posabilitys for players that just like decorating there appartments or houses

What negatives could this have?:
- It will be hard to balance everything
- There is gonna be a new "favorite" spot of houses or appartments. Which will draw alot of players to sertain areas again
- Just in general much work
- Life alerts woud probably be a must have if they are not already a must have
- If you guys have some more negative things just tell me and we can talk in the comments :3
So i have played on this server for not that long. I think like 15 hours. But i noticed it is really really hard for new players to get a grasp because of the constant raid spam. And people just shooting you down because they feel like it.
If you believe you're being targetted because you're a new player it does fall under the rule 2.5 (Excessive Negativity) so don't be afraid to make an f6 to see if the staff can help

However this suggestion overall doesn't seem the best to me, It'd take so long to create all of this I think V6 will change the layout a fair bit anyway.
I got you. And yes i do feel like im being targeted more because im a new player. But that wasnt the reason i got this idea :3
My main focus was just spreading out the livable options and varity a bit. So not only you have a lot of action at regal but you also have a lot of action for example near the woods or something like that :3
V6 is being worked on, there is more then likely going too be more houses/ apartments when that comes out
I got you. And yes i do feel like im being targeted more because im a new player. But that wasnt the reason i got this idea :3
My main focus was just spreading out the livable options and varity a bit. So not only you have a lot of action at regal but you also have a lot of action for example near the woods or something like that :3
Sadly people are allowed to target/raid you within the rules. My advice is try to find people to group up with. Strength in numbers to up your survival chances.
Like your idea alot btw. Personally I’d like to see bazaar getting some extra shops at the fountain area, or even a second story. If they were to add new living places I’d say that these spots are eligible:
- where the DD at office is or below there at beach parkinglot
- make the forest smaller and place buildings there
- cut the farm field in half and place buildings there (farmfield had no use anyways and is massive)
- Maybe add some kind off wood hicktown like shacks behind bank at the water refill spot (lots of space there too

Overall tho idk if adding more properties will solve your issues. Will probably cause for more lag and cost alot of work. But its an upvote for me!
I like the idea of spreading properties out. As it stands, houses are clumped together making reconnaissance work very easy, two cars can scout the entire map in a few minutes. This was actually one of the charms of Evocity, there was much more living space.

Tangentially related to the issue, a problem with v5 is the lack of unique properties. Defending, raids and the police response to those raids have become predictable and stale. simply due to the homogeneity of the buildings. There is little separating the main apartment complexes of slums / projex / regals, or wood cabins 1 from wood cabins 3. Adding new buildings in the city near office, in the woods and in the farm will spice things up considerably and also achieves the goal of making it easier for new players to keep undercover.
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