Event Name: Wave Raids
Location of Event: Farm, glass co, parker, mucuwes doesn't really matter
Description of Event: One defending team with weapon of choice (Can pick up weapons from the ground (M4, shotgun or an UMP) vs a team with low tier weapons (Ex Mac11, Walter PPK, (A low tier rifle I dunno) then as the waves continue, better weapons gets provided for the attacking team. Mid-tier and all the way up to top tier.
Why should this event be added?: Gives a variety to the events in terms of weapons. I'd love doing an event with an SMG. Many people break their necks with the rifles when they have low marksmanship if they attempt a spray while others just shoot the shit out of u while ur burst firing... Also, it could be fun.
Location of Event: Farm, glass co, parker, mucuwes doesn't really matter
Description of Event: One defending team with weapon of choice (Can pick up weapons from the ground (M4, shotgun or an UMP) vs a team with low tier weapons (Ex Mac11, Walter PPK, (A low tier rifle I dunno) then as the waves continue, better weapons gets provided for the attacking team. Mid-tier and all the way up to top tier.
Why should this event be added?: Gives a variety to the events in terms of weapons. I'd love doing an event with an SMG. Many people break their necks with the rifles when they have low marksmanship if they attempt a spray while others just shoot the shit out of u while ur burst firing... Also, it could be fun.