Suggestion Title: Raise the barricade limit for Officer's/Firefighter's
Suggestion Description: I recently discovered that the current barricade limit of 15 is sometimes too low for properly secure a traffic collision or any major traffic incident.
Due to the new road signs you get a lot of new opportunities to secure scenes as Officer or Firefighter.
The limit of 15 is in my opinion to low, if you want to secure any incident on the highway, you need at least 10-15 traffic cones to manage the traffic as described in the RTU handbook, that's ok, but now with the new signs you can inform the traffic about the traffic incident, but you don't have any barricades left, that means the full potential of the new sign update is not fully used.
I suggest that the current barricade limit is raised to 25-30.
Why should this be added?:
- Would benefit the roleplay as Officer/Firefighter
- More opportunity to handle a traffic incident
- More usage of the new signs
What negatives could this have?:
- More potential to minge with barricades
- Implement time
Suggestion Description: I recently discovered that the current barricade limit of 15 is sometimes too low for properly secure a traffic collision or any major traffic incident.
Due to the new road signs you get a lot of new opportunities to secure scenes as Officer or Firefighter.
The limit of 15 is in my opinion to low, if you want to secure any incident on the highway, you need at least 10-15 traffic cones to manage the traffic as described in the RTU handbook, that's ok, but now with the new signs you can inform the traffic about the traffic incident, but you don't have any barricades left, that means the full potential of the new sign update is not fully used.
I suggest that the current barricade limit is raised to 25-30.
Why should this be added?:
- Would benefit the roleplay as Officer/Firefighter
- More opportunity to handle a traffic incident
- More usage of the new signs
What negatives could this have?:
- More potential to minge with barricades
- Implement time