Raising a gun from passive under gunpoint - is it 3.4?

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Would raising a gun from passive to attack stance while under gunpoint be considered 3.4?

There's been some confusion when discussing this with a few of my friends & I understand that something was added to 3.4 in my absence regarding a very similar thing however this seems to have been removed without a trace. How is ths currently being enforced? I'm not aware myself simply due to not being around for the time, I'd assume it's not 3.4 as it could be argued that essentially being forced into presenting a weapon in passive under gunpoint is an even greater risk than trying to defend oneself as any movement whatsoever could result in the victim's death, meaning that the only reasonable movement would be for them to defend themselves, however there could be different interpretations.
You can put your gun into an attack stance when being gun pointed, we discussed this in a staff meeting a month ago - I don't think there was any clarification made to everyone about this change if I'm not mistaken but I will talk to other staff about maybe adding some clarification to the rules.
Thank you for this, thought that must be the case. Surely the situation which brought this rule change about could still be executed by using a /me to signify the existence of a weapon, making the odds stacked against the individual with their back turned enough to consider it 3.4?
Staff say if you are under gunpoint from behind whilst you have a gun in passive, then you must follow gunpoint. My issue with this however is in order to see you are under gunpoint, you must turn around, this means you are now facing someone whilst holding a gun.

It is entirely possible, especially with a light And ergonomic weapon such as a handgun realistically to raise it and fire it in a split second. The range on which people mug you realistically would negate the need to assume a proper firing stance with said weapon. A rifle could quite as easily be used in this manner by simply raising the muzzle and shooting, but not as easily as a pistol.

Of course with multiple assailants this is completely out the window, and you should drop the gun if it’s multiple.

Realistically people who go robbing on there own are the ones who get fucked up.
There's no way to genuinely know whether or not a gun is pointed at you, in my honest opinion use of /me while the individual with the gun in passive is cornered should be necessitated for it to be truly considered 3.4 unless there's very clear evidence that you genuinely are being gunpointed.
Ive had this situation before also and its a hard rule to enforce when we have no idea due to not having third person and as well they could be saying put your hands up in a public area where you do not know that it is directed at you
I honest to god don't see a reason why you can't raise your weapon, it's like turning around 90 degress to point it at someone. Raising it does the same thing, you have to rotate the gun 90 degrees in a different direction which takes almost less time than turning around does. If you're gunpointed from behind though I'd say fair game, so long as the guy gunpointing you from behind makes it clear to you that you are being gunpointed. "Hands up" is a pretty clear indication.

In all cases, if you have a gun in passive and someone gunpoints you, you are within your right to raise your gun. Basic 3.4 guidelines still apply though (i.e. if it's suicide).
If you have a gun in passive you can raise it when gunpointed, no matter the direction. However, you can risk your life in other ways. If you are heavily outnumbered and outgunned, for instance, it would not be a good idea to raise your gun.
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