Suggestion Title: Rc changes
Suggestion Description: Due to recent Curak post I thought about changes in roadcrew service.
- job progressing as in EMS and PLFD. It will allow to progress your job status making faster fixes and unlock new job titles
-upon max level player will gain a new vehicle (can be seen in a picture in a comment) that would work better with larger vehicles
-add gas canister in roadcrew equpment
-adding new ability for roadcrew to fix tires, it could be happening by attaching a car to a hook and lifting it up and after it roadcrew can replace tire but it will be more time consuming (also implemente loading bar like in car refuel or car wash)
Other scenario is roadcrew need to tow a vehicle to a roadcrew station and place it on the lift (this requier to make a working hook at a wall of roadcrew station) after lifting up RC can easly and faster change tires.
Why should this be added?:
- players would have better benifit of using roadcrew services rather than just an engine fix
- more expanded version of roadcrew
- (imo) cool implenets from real life
What negatives could this have?:
- coding
-misuse by people
-Buisness place to fix tires and bodywork (forgot the name) will be more usless than it is for now
Suggestion Description: Due to recent Curak post I thought about changes in roadcrew service.
- job progressing as in EMS and PLFD. It will allow to progress your job status making faster fixes and unlock new job titles
-upon max level player will gain a new vehicle (can be seen in a picture in a comment) that would work better with larger vehicles
-add gas canister in roadcrew equpment
-adding new ability for roadcrew to fix tires, it could be happening by attaching a car to a hook and lifting it up and after it roadcrew can replace tire but it will be more time consuming (also implemente loading bar like in car refuel or car wash)
Other scenario is roadcrew need to tow a vehicle to a roadcrew station and place it on the lift (this requier to make a working hook at a wall of roadcrew station) after lifting up RC can easly and faster change tires.
Why should this be added?:
- players would have better benifit of using roadcrew services rather than just an engine fix
- more expanded version of roadcrew
- (imo) cool implenets from real life
What negatives could this have?:
- coding
-misuse by people
-Buisness place to fix tires and bodywork (forgot the name) will be more usless than it is for now