Re-adding ratings on (most) forum sections

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Reaction score
Description of the idea: Re-add ratings on the "Rules Discussion" section of the forums.
Making ratings available on other sections as well (apart from administrative threads like Action Requests, Ban Appeals/Disputes etc.) like the support section would be nice too but this suggestion is mainly for the 2 above.

Why should this be added? (pros): People don't have to make a reply saying "I agree with this reply and it's point" or "haha that was funny" , instead they can express their thoughts via a simple rating (funny, useful, agree etc.)
Suggestions for the rules have a certain community involvement to them, ratings help to clarify which replies a lot of people agree with.
With the point above, the player who made the suggestion can edit his post if a reply suggesting a different way than he intended was more well received.
Ratings help players be more interactive with each other (questionable).
Ratings can help a suggestion stay alive since they are visible in the recent activity tab. More people will be drawn to the thread that most would probably had missed it.
Toxic ratings are no longer a thing, they can't stop anyone from suggesting stuff anymore. The point that rating disagree and not replying is toxic is invalid since voting no on a suggestion and not leaving a reply is the exact same thing.
The ability to rate stuff makes you feel great!
You aren't forced to leave a rating if you don't want to.
Since ratings can only provide a positive score now, players will be more motivated to suggest stuff!

What negatives could this have? (cons): none!

*Other additions:
Making ratings available on other sections as well (apart from administrative threads like Action Requests, Ban Appeals/Disputes etc.)
Add ratings to the ideas and suggestions
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I'd like to rate this reply with a "like" rating due to the fact that you agree with my suggestion and providing some nice pros.
@Lelios1 Make sure you use our wonderful search option, you posted a similar suggestion about the Ideas and Suggestion node a while ago. And it got denied. Make sure you don’t post dupes, thanks.

I have edited your post.
That is true, although a con that existed back then is no longer a con and the idea came with a lot of support.
I guess rules are rules though.
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This is true, back then negative scores was a thing. But the removal of that does not really change anything, we want to make sure that anyone is comfortable posting any type of suggestion. Just seeing 10 notifications of people rating you “old” or what ever can make you ask the suggestion to be removed, we have seen it before. Maybe in the future we can look at this again.
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