Real goodbye this time

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Code Monkey

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Fredy has yet to realize what he has actually done. As you can see the server population has dropped over 50% within a day because of @Fredy's actions. Fredy decides to take over the org without permission from @Imperial Watch and rename it to "Fredy's Friends." The community has gone down the drain and quite frankly I do not want to be around it anymore. If the people I play with get unbanned, I will come back. I don't understand how a staff member can ddos someone and become staff yet Olsen members say one thing in the shoutbox and get community wide banned.... This makes absolutely no sense to me and is pure corruption in my opinion... I wish everyone I have made friends with the best and I will probably be banned for making a post expressing my opinions. I find it absolutely hillarious that someone in the community that has absolutely no association with us can get banned for stating their opinion that what Fredy did is wrong. Anyways, I will come back if everyone I play with is unbanned. Peace.
[DOUBLEPOST=1517423576,1517423334][/DOUBLEPOST]Stop surpressing what I want to say and editing it .

I don't understand how a staff member can ddos someone and become staff yet Olsen members say one thing in the shoutbox and get community wide banned....

You’re taking two completely different scenarios and not providing any context. Said staff member apologized and worked on himself to become reputable again in the community. Said olsen members said something in shoutbox and got cwb and I dont see some of them improving on themselves to be allowed back into the community again.

Anyways, I will come back if everyone I play with is unbanned. Peace.

If this is true, goodbye. You will never be joining perpheads again. I hope you got some of the attention you were looking for when you made this post, you have a fucking fiancé (unless something happened) so go do something productive with your life and stay away from a sandbox game.
I don't mean to alarm you, but the current player count is very close to normal...

On the statement regarding DDOS... just because I throw a brick through someone's window does that make it okay for someone to go ahead and stab a person? Actively stalking someone and getting their and their relatives phone numbers seems like something way worse than a simple inconvenient DDOS.

When I look at those bans I can only see good riddance with some well deserved bans, sorry if you feel differently.
If this is really what you think, and how you choose to act, then please, by all means, feel free to stay away.
I don't mean to alarm you, but the current player count is very close to normal...

On the statement regarding DDOS... just because I throw a brick through someone's window does that make it okay for someone to go ahead and stab a person? Actively stalking someone and getting their and their relatives phone numbers seems like something way worse than a simple inconvenient DDOS.

When I look at those bans I can only see good riddance with some well deserved bans, sorry if you feel differently.
This never happened... You have been misinformed. We never called Samuel's father and that was NOT US. It was a rimlick.
bye I guess? Bit dumb the post but k I mean they deserve the ban I don’t know how you’re on there side to be honest you should think through what your trying to say there innocent?
They didn’t ddos I got that wrong but still they opposidley got someone’s family’s phone number the way they retaliated was retarded
It was none of us. We do not condone those actions and we feel they are wrong.
It was none of us. We do not condone those actions and we feel they are wrong.
Fredy said they did on his post idk if they did or not but I’m not sure someone would lie about it but if it wasn’t them then the person who did do it should be permed also they an Olsen member spammed the fuck outta the ar’s
I think it would be best if this thread was closed or ignored because this subject has only lead to beef.
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