Reason for my inactivity

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IKEA - Northern Europe
This is no goodbye thread however I found no better spot to put it.

Anyways probably everyone noticed that I've been inactive since gmod broke, first of all this is due to the fact that I could not join the server until it was fixed. When this was fixed I was not home yet, when I got home I get a call in the middle of the night, guess who it is? My best friend I thought as usual; oh she wants the D anyways apparently she was really sick and was at the hospital. After knowing her since I can't remember I felt it is my duty to be with her during this time, I'm home about 3 hours per day and I got no real energy to enforce the rules as it's a quite hard time for me atm, yes I do play CSGO however that is just going with a friend on casual shooting a bunch of people with deagle.

Thanks for reading this and I hope it explains a bit. Next week I will be back on duty.
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Hope your friend will be okay and get the hunger for the D back. And I've finally figured out TS3 so i can stalk you even more:booty:
Hope it all goes well for you mate, I'm sure she will be fine :)
As a person who has lost loved ones due to medical complications, I applaud you for being their by your friend's side. It can become very scary, and If something were happen you would regret it for your whole life that you weren't there for them. GG

and get the puss f0r us b0ss

good luck m8