'Reasonably Believes' Law Definition

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New

What law do you wish to add:
Reasonably Believes
To have knowledge of facts which, although not amounting to direct knowledge, would cause a reasonable person, knowing the same facts, to reasonably conclude the same thing.
(Real Legislation).

Why should this addition be made: There is currently nothing to define what 'reasonably believes' actually means resulting in ridiculous disagreements over the legitimacy of search warrants.

What is the aim of this addition: It should make the Paralake Penal Code more understandable and definite rather than what Internal Affairs think is right or wrong.
I do think that this definition needs to be added to clear somethings out, but for the search warrant part; its very unclear if you need any evidence or not, but both Chiefs have stated several times that you need some kind of evidence supporting your suspicion of illegal activity on the property before placing a search warrant.

I do overall support the addition of the definition, but the search warrant law needs to be changed so it states that you need evidence supporting any suspicion, otherwise we could place search warrants on almost every single property in the city, as most properties have boarded up windows, players with big guns and aids defences.
I am totally in favor of this we need to clarify. Honestly search warrants are not often used in my experience because the burden of proof rests on the one who signs the warrant yet there is no clear range.


Thank you for your input! This feedback is currently being considered further by the Policing and Policy department.

After this review is complete, the Chiefs of Department will consider the options available such as implementation, community feedback, etc. and you will be informed of any progress here.

Feel free to continue posting your views.
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