Recommendation for GraveDinosaur.

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Hello dear,

Firstly, I am creating this thread to recommend @GraveDinosaur and because I believe an additional Senior Administrator is required on the server to assist MoronPipllyd and Bolli- others may disagree with me on this however. Although MoronPipllyd and Bolli are handling the server fine, I do believe that it was easier when Jordan was around- an extra pair of hands.

I am in no way saying that MrLewis, Ash and Loejseren do not deserve the position, however GraveDinosaur has stood out to myself and others recently.

Although GraveDinosaur has been close to permanently banning me, I do believe that how he conducts himself during situations and his respect for every single rule and player on the server should be commended further than his current status and position on PERPHeads.

I personally believe he can be trusted with a higher position than he currently holds, but that is just my opinion. Leave your own below I guess...

@GraveDinosaur is a fine example of a great administrator. Hes friendly, helpful and active and i believe he deserves a shot as a senior administrator aswell.