Recommendation for Jordan

Reaction score
@Jordan is one of the most dedicated members on this community and loves getting involved with everything, including police work, etc. Although he isn't a member of staff, he has the dedication and the loyalty to this community that an administrator would and even higher. He works hard within the police department, always making good updates like the computer system and he is a very good roleplayer within the police department, hence the reason why he is the chief of police. I have roleplayed with him a few times as a police officer and he knows his laws inside out, he is very friendly to everyone.

He is always working hard everyday on perpheads, very active and he is on the forums quite a lot making new suggestions, like the mining suggestion he just made and he is one of the best individuals on perpheads, in my opinion.

Thank you Jordan for making this community great within the police department and being the member you are.

Kind Regards,
He doesn't give me Senior officer for my knives. :banghead:

Means he doesn't abuse, but still...