Server Suggestion Recycling failed attempts.

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Suggestion Title: Recycling failed attempts.
Suggestion Description: The system for lockpicking or bobbypinning relies on RNG as we know. I suggest rather than having the item delete when the result is failure that instead the bobby pin or crowbar gets turned into a "Broken Crowbar." or "Broken Bobbypin" showing physical in-game detail without a need for /me or /desc indicating it was used.

This broken item can be then scrapped into a piece or two pieces of metal.

An alternative to the scrapping method mentioned above, if possible, instead is to introduce a way for more RNG to happen regarding your crafting skill. That way if you get anything back from scrapping or on a more rarer occurrence you can get 2/3rd's of the material used to craft the non-broken version of the item which is being scrapped.

Scrapping NEEDS to be done with a workbench to avoid easy destruction of evidence and add to the crafting system.

The scrap-able item should have a description indicating that it can be scrapped to give a hint to new players or un-informed players of the purpose of such item.

Why should this be added?:
- Useful for criminals and newer players who are too poor to afford as many crowbars as more seasoned players, that way they get to have more raiding fun!
- Cops when investigating don't need to host a free masterclass on how to use /me or /desc or risk being lied to by players, instead they just see the physical evidence which is realistic.
-Useful for crafters.
- Makes crafting skill more useful (if the alternative is introduced)

What negatives could this have?:
- More entitites which can be avoided if people are given a hint on what it is used for.
tbh would be nice for police investigations as well. If this were to be a thing, could it be possible to add something that shows sign of a attempted breakin on a door as well?

Would atleast be nice to see broken crowbars or broken bobypins on people.
Piggy backing on the idea of a sign on the door, if you refer to the C2 the C2 actually has a small box indicating a door was C2’ed so it can be something similar on the door handle.

My guess would be to have the door lose the handle when the door was attempted then replace the handle in the same time frame which doors are replaced in if a door is bombed.

That way if a raid is over the door doesn’t constantly look attempted whilst also allowing for enough time for cops to witness the evidence of the door which is being attempted

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