Server Suggestion Reduce Pentration for props

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Suggestion Title: Reduce Pentration for props
Suggestion Description: Reduce the penetration for certain props and walls, in the current state of perp a lot of the shootouts you die from places that you don't even see because people just dump mags into certain line ups on walls and it creates a bit of a dull experience in the shootouts.

Why should this be added?:
I feel as of now wall-banging is too much of a meta and it's overused, bases are all the same and there's no diversity due to the limited use of props. With less penetration, this could create new base layouts and we could see raiding/defending have a new feel to it. I feel as if wall-banging was nerfed on props bases would be more diverse and it would bring a new style of raiding back out, not just floor banging, pre-firing, and lobbing nades into a base until someone dies. This of course is never going to solve the whole issue with wall-banging, floor banging, and nades at the moment, however, I do think it will bring a new aspect to raiding and personally a huge preference on building bases for me personally.

Please leave your opinions on wall-banging at the minute, I know there is a lot of people who hate it and think it's way too much and a few people who love it because they learn line ups, etc.

What negatives could this have?:
-Make raiding harder?
-To easy for defenders?
-Some people may not like it
-Could Nerf Rifles a lot

Useful Images: N/A
Would kill realism. Defending is already way easier. If you're afraid of wall-bangs, you can base in a property where that is harder/impossible
If it wasn't for wall banging you would be able to have 7 guys pointing at a single door. I think defending is already far easier than raiding as it currently is. If you dont want to be floorbannged base in parker or office
You know no-one is making you stand still in a corner hiding behind a bookshelf waiting for a metal detector to go off and then peaking off it.
You are quite simply being countered in the smartest and safest way.

You could quite easily move and push the people raiding or throw some grenades down the stairs but I guess that would be too simple of a solution
I actually believe the polar opposite and think that slums and projex should be completely wallbangable with rifles with very low damage upon contact.

In it’s current state wall banging makes the folowing properties remotely raidable:
- Glass co
- Morons
- Parker
- Hicktown trailer (admittedly would be 50x harder to raid than it currently is if it was bulletproof.

It also makes these properties and areas easier to defend from in contrast to my previous statement:
- Regals
- Bank prevault
- Wood cabins
Among other properties.

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