Server Suggestion Reduce the amount you get from drugs / Make car and gun prices higher or both

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Reducing the amount of money you make from growing drugs by either lowering the amount you get per batch or lowering the amount of money you get per drug / Making the prices of materials and cars higher.
I think that this should be added as the amount of money that you currently make from just growing drugs is stupidly overpowered which results in 24/7 PVP, FREE FOR ALL DEATHMATCH server. Since everyone has100+ guns in their storage dying and starting a shootout out of nothing is no problem for people as they can easily go, grow a batch and buy the guns again (if not more)
Why should this be added? (pros):
  • Stable economy
  • Not every single new player will instantly go to the criminal side and generally it may drive people off of it
  • Power growing won't be that big of a factor in the economy
What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • People who already have a ton of money would get much richer which would make it unfair for newer people

*Other additions:
The only way I can see this working is if there is a money sink for the already rich and the implementation of more legal jobs which would encourage people to step off the criminal side.
The Buff to drugs was added due to community demand, I don't see why it would be removed now. The richest players either own casino's which generate profits anyways or powergrow 12 hours a day in the forest. The only people who will be having a harder time will be players who join 2 or 3 days a week just for fun. I don't see this working at all.

Maybe more ways to spend money is good and so would more jobs be but those are different suggestions in my opinion.
I think something needs to be done to make the game easier for new players, it is almost impossible to get started unless you have someone walking you through it, even with the guides.

I agree the game is simply cops and robbers at this point but I don't think this suggestion is the way to solve that (and no, I don't have a better idea lol)
I think something needs to be done to make the game easier for new players, it is almost impossible to get started unless you have someone walking you through it, even with the guides.

I agree the game is simply cops and robbers at this point but I don't think this suggestion is the way to solve that (and no, I don't have a better idea lol)
That is not true, the amount of guides and how detailed they are help the new players enough
Car's are already expensive for people who dont grow most hours of the day
That is not true, the amount of guides and how detailed they are help the new players enough

How many people do you see asking questions in OOC? I've invited 4 friends to play PH and even after sending them the guides, I still have to help them out even a little bit. The guides are a good start but there needs to be more to help keep new people around
people who are rich spend countless hours growing, so the nerf isn't going to drive the power-growers away and it's going to have more of a negative effect on poorer people as they'll be even more demotivated. imo it's already hard enough to earn money without sitting for countless hours growing, I just wanna come on for a bit and have fun and I can't do that unless I power-grow, so there's no point in making the server even more boring
The Buff to drugs was added due to community demand, I don't see why it would be removed now. The richest players either own casino's which generate profits anyways or powergrow 12 hours a day in the forest. The only people who will be having a harder time will be players who join 2 or 3 days a week just for fun. I don't see this working at all.

Maybe more ways to spend money is good and so would more jobs be but those are different suggestions in my opinion.
Also worth mentioning that said buff to money gain also resulted in everyone having a stockpile of weapons with metal price being reduced. This is beneficial for new players but too beneficial for veterans. Nerfing it now would make growing less interesting and I believe the server would die down again. Also a reminder that legal jobs still pay like shit and you only get good pay if you are a high ranking Officer which is a joke.

We need another good way of implementing a money sink. License plates were a good idea but I can't think of anything else that would be cosmetic or even provide a benefit (please not weapon skins). Maybe renting exclusive cars like the stretch limosine which would cost 50K an hour, a nice look in player made RP events.
I think your con is a more complicated way of saying it would be more like real life.
unless you wipe everyone then it will only impact newer players who will be fighting jamie, his bombs and bad spelling with thoughts and prayers.
Now for my serious response, Fuck you Jenga.

So the issue I see with the current drug system there isn't any risk to it. Lets say you do get raided by players/cops the total you lose is nothing compared to the amount you gain. I will show below.

Without tax
12 coke seeds - 400 each = 4.8k
12 pots - 325 each (i think) = 3.9k
Total = 8.7k
So lets say you get raided by crims a single successful raid means they can not raid you for atleast 1 hour (the new current rules and grace period.
Money you make.
Avg leaves per batch - lets say 22 leaves
So you can either sell these leaves for 1k each or you can dry them.
AVG per dry batch is 75, Here is how I am working it out
22 / 6 x 75 x 150 = $41250

1 hour grace period means you get 2 grows. Meaning you will make $82500.

Now my opinion on guns. Guns are incredibly retarded in price, They are so cheap for what they are. G3a3's 1 tap to the body at most point, Ye they are expensive, but you hardly die and will mostly always make profit from the guns you gain from killing people.


Guns are way to easy and cheap to craft and make.
Drugs rewards outweighs the risk way to much.
There isn't anything to spend money on apart from a car or two.

P.S Add engine upgrade scaling. I want my mini to go over 30mph
There need to be more ways to make money legally which makes it easier for newbies to make money, prices could be increased but in the long scheme of things, it will it harder for newbies.

However gub prices do seem to be way way way too much
A lot of people play the game to shoot and raid, or to get goals such as a great supercar or plenty of weapons. You can't afford this realistically without playing your ass off unless you powergrow. Powergrowing does not promote roleplay, it's just players AFKing in their apartments staring at virtual plants.

The cycle then repeats: Powergrow -> buy what you want (car)/guns to raid with -> raid -> powergrow for more guns.

Those who would like to roleplay might need addition of props, and the selection of them is goddamn awful to make anything worthwhile and non-monotone.

  • Power growing won't be that big of a factor in the economy

As long as it is still the most efficient way to gain money (and worthwhile), it will always be used consistently.

  • Not every single new player will instantly go to the criminal side and generally it may drive people off of it

I don't think this change will affect it at all.

What this will do is very likely make people powergrow more to compensate to do what they want to do (shoot and raid), which will further make this problem a bigger issue. A majority of people are into gunfights, growing supports getting guns.
A lot of people play the game to shoot and raid, or to get goals such as a great supercar or plenty of weapons. You can't afford this realistically without playing your ass off unless you powergrow. Powergrowing does not promote roleplay, it's just players AFKing in their apartments staring at virtual plants.

The cycle then repeats: Powergrow -> buy what you want (car)/guns to raid with -> raid -> powergrow for more guns.

Those who would like to roleplay might need addition of props, and the selection of them is goddamn awful to make anything worthwhile and non-monotone.

  • Power growing won't be that big of a factor in the economy

As long as it is still the most efficient way to gain money (and worthwhile), it will always be used consistently.

  • Not every single new player will instantly go to the criminal side and generally it may drive people off of it

I don't think this change will affect it at all.

What this will do is very likely make people powergrow more to compensate to do what they want to do (shoot and raid), which will further make this problem a bigger issue. A majority of people are into gunfights, growing supports getting guns.
well I guess its the broken mentality of a DarkRP server and not the fact that you can make 80 in 1hr without risk
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