Refund Request

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Reaction score
Your in-game name: Aalamgeer Wang

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58837506

Why do you want your item(s) refunded:
As many of you know, the server literally just experienced a small DDoS. I know that the server didn't actually go down so items were not automatically returned to storage (in this case my 4 big drug plants).
Before you all say that the server didn't crash and so i don't deserve this, please here me out. My Gmod came up with auto-disconnect and it kept coming on and off. Eventually it stayed on and the timer went down to 0 and it decided to leave. A few seconds later my fellow people on teamspeak said that the server was back. I re-joined, the 20 pots and 20 seeds were obviously not refunded as the server didn't crash, however i am requesting a refund as my Gmod decided to disconnect me as the server was pretty much dying, if the server did not "half-crash" then my drugs would be fine.
I know a lot of people will say its not the servers fault this happened and so i shouldn't be refunded however i lost the drugs because of the server getting DDoSed.


Tick: Throughout the whole demo, you will see my drugs being planted, harvest and re planted. That's when the DDoS started.
Refund request accepted,

Please open a /report whilst in-game linking this refund request to retrieve your lost item(s).
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