Remove 11.3

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: change

What law do you wish to change/add: I wish for 11.3 to be removed,

Why should this change/addition be made: The law allows LEO's to conduct a full on raid on an industrial / commercial property if they suspect people are "living" in there, and refuse to leave. Officers often use 11.3 as a scapegoat to harass people who are basing and "evict" (Gun down and rob) them.

Law 11.3 allows officers to prevent people from taking residence in a property "not intended" for residence, yet the crime itself is a crime without victims.

What is the aim of this change/addition:
Prevents cops from ruining people's PERPheads gaming experience and prevents officers dying by attempting to evict drug bases.
My local shop has a living space in it, so I don't really see why this is a law in the first place.
I think the law is okay actually. I am quite fond of it. You are not forced to base in business/industrial buildings. There are many dwellings to choose from. You have the choice, and have decided to base in a business/industrial building. There are ways round this such as allowing a certain amount of people to stay at the property to proceed with security detail during the hours disallowed for production operation on the specific work that is illegal during late nights. Alternatively you can embarrass it and use it as a bit of fun by either hiding it from the police or kicking off with them.

I personally do not support removing the rule, it is realistic and you can avoid it by using a house.
If you want to use a factory it adds the element of hiding from police or raids from police which can be fun.
As long as you tell officers you're working there, not living you should be all fine.
Police officers may not raid on reasonable suspicion, rather by solid evidence.
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: change

What law do you wish to change/add: I wish for 11.3 to be removed,

Why should this change/addition be made: The law allows LEO's to conduct a full on raid on an industrial / commercial property if they suspect people are "living" in there, and refuse to leave. Officers often use 11.3 as a scapegoat to harass people who are basing and "evict" (Gun down and rob) them.

Law 11.3 allows officers to prevent people from taking residence in a property "not intended" for residence, yet the crime itself is a crime without victims.

What is the aim of this change/addition:
Prevents cops from ruining people's PERPheads gaming experience and prevents officers dying by attempting to evict drug bases.

Cant do it if we suspect it only if we have probable cause (which means we know for a fact. I.e someone said i live here) but i see that the law is unecessary and unneeded
Cant do it if we suspect it only if we have probable cause (which means we know for a fact. I.e someone said i live here) but i see that the law is unecessary and unneeded

If a cop asks someone "where do u live" and you accidentally misinterpret this as "What properties do you have access to" and they say somewhere like morons or glass co then immediately 5 sweatercops jump into the SWAT van and initiate a raid.
If a cop asks someone "where do u live" and you accidentally misinterpret this as "What properties do you have access to" and they say somewhere like morons or glass co then immediately 5 sweatercops jump into the SWAT van and initiate a raid.

That's your fault, not the officers fault.

I see the situation as a whole yes. I think either remove the law or make a better definition of it.
If a cop asks someone "where do u live" and you accidentally misinterpret this as "What properties do you have access to" and they say somewhere like morons or glass co then immediately 5 sweatercops jump into the SWAT van and initiate a raid.

You saying your "I live here" does not warrant police to blow down your doors... Would be very hard to justify that raid, "oh, I blew down the doors because he sleeps in a warehouse". You can be forced to leave the building during night time, but there is absolutely no reason to blow your doors down unless you fail to comply etc... "liable to $2,000 maximum fine and the ejection of residents."
unless you fail to comply etc...
My point exactly.

Why would you leave your base because cops asked you too? As far as I'm concerned this whole law is just a reason to instigate a scenario in which a raid on the property will occur.
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