Remove alarms from bank and jennifer windows

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Description of the idea: Remove alarms from bank and jennifer windows.
They are completely unnecessary and just generally annoying when you are on duty as police. People break them as a joke just so they get a 911 call. It spams the 911.

It makes minging and cop baiting easier.

Why should this be added? (pros):
No more dumb alarms and 911 spam

What negatives could this have? (cons):
None I can think off
No, just have police officers actually arrest these people or give them tickets for vandalism, people are idiots and jump on them when they quite clearly shouldn't.
Thing is, they break it and instantly leave after. There is absolutely no way we know who did it unless a Dispatcher saw it.
You really hardly ever have enough evidence to charge anyone, unless you are right outside when the alarm goes off.
Alternatively can we just stop ramming the window and parking inside bank with a full sized hummer (etc). It’s ridiculous lads xx
IRL if you broke a bank or jewellery store window it would definitely set off an alarm and also probably trigger a UV strobe and / or mist system that makes navigating the property difficult.

Maybe stop breaking windows lmfao
Yeah it would but this is perpheads and it sadly has to be like this.

I dont see why this is necessary for gameplay?
Clippy and Mina spent 30+ minutes breaking windows as RC but no one could arrest them due to only officers being online.

So far I haven't seen it work as it's intended more than it's been a abused.
In my opinion, the alarm is a bit useless. It just makes it harder for newer cops if the person rams the windows as a rc or other government jobs as @Ethan has said above.
Just because something is being abused, does not mean it should be removed. "window" alarms has been a thing for a long time, the only recent change has been added sound and more window locations.

If government workers, or civilians are breaking windows for no reason, then it seems like rule enforcement is the way to go, rather than removing parts of the gamemode, as removing parts of the gamemode would just allow them to continue breaking minor rules.

Store Alarms is a core part of upcoming updates, such as gas station robberies etc... So they will be kept. If this is such a major problem, we could add logs to see who is breaking windows. And maybe additionally, position windows a bit higher in v5.

Removing parts of the game, to stop minges is not the way to go.
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