remove names from adverts

Why would you want this removed? It’s a really good feature against people who abuse the feature and ngl if you’re gonna be an idiot and threaten the Mayor through an advert you’re violating the rules and the law. And since the ”newspaper” isn’t regulated nor operated by players it’s the only way for the police to track you down so it makes it realistic
If that’s added then it would have to be regulated so that organisations for 1. Don’t spam 2. hide behind org adverts. Also define what can be done in org adverts; recruitments and such
i guess that makes sense, but maybe make it so police can check the name of the advertisers on their computers, but regular people cant? probably sounds stupid but thats what i imagine, so in the case of it being an illegal advertisment police have to actually find out the name and not just magically know
if this was a thing the following would happen basicly the server would go to hell
{here are some examples of ways this could be abused}
You also gotta think about, if you written an advert in the newspaper, your name would still be there.
Depends, Its more the fact that anything you say in adverts would be moderated, checked and approved by an advertising company.
this could introduce a new job actually but could also be a pain in the ass if its staff only who approve the posts @BigBenji
It's like a company adverting something for the best of their company, but there is no company name shown on the advert sign
Could make it show the persons phone number instead but I don't think completely removing identification would be good. Staff are currently pushing the "realistic adverts" rule but people currently use adverts as a kind of internet posting thing (like what tooter should be). If Tooter got some dev love then maybe people would use Tooter?
It’s been washed out of us and barely anyone touches it unless people decide to make some dumb hashtag to make it go trending.
Maybe it could be changed so only the Police or certain Police ranks can see it? Staff can currently see adverts in the logs and could also have perms to view who made the adverts.

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