Remove Organisation Rival Requests

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Description of the idea:
  • Remove the need for someone to have to "accept" rival requests.
  • You could have a list of people who your org has rival'd and a list of orgs who have rival'd you.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • If your organisation has an issue with someone then it shouldn't matter if it is a mutual beef.
  • Literally no one accepts rival requests because it rarely benefits them

What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • People abusing to start a gang fight or something? idk
Why should someone be forced to rival with an org? It’s fine the way it is. Also what tells you that no one accept rival requests, our org has multiple rivals..
Mensa have gone through so many rivals and we’ve had literal wars with machetes etc. I don’t see why it should be removed, rule changes would also have to occur.
why should the hate have to be mutual for you to be rivals though?
I think its mostly in place to stop smaller orgs being targeted
What's the point of having a rival request if people can raid any door that is owned by players? New players are already targeted every now and then by people who are seeking for some easy cash, it won't change the fact that smaller orgs, especially those that have no ''New player'' border, are the easy target for these orgs. Nothing can change that, unless rules are changed for that.
Any organisation who actively refuses rival requests as is against orgs that are actively attacking them are idiots anyways because they‘re only losing xp when they’re killed by them as opposed to rivalling where you’d gain xp for killing rivals.
mensa and para bellum kept on spamming me rival requests and i kept denying them i think org rivalry's should be agreed on and not forced
mensa and para bellum kept on spamming me rival requests and i kept denying them i think org rivalry's should be agreed on and not forced
Why though? You’ll still be targeted so you might as well benefit from the XP when you kill them
Doesn’t mean they can RDM you. They still need a reason
What reason are you talking about? There are no situations where one organisation says: ''Hmm, lets find a valid reason to raid someone''. They see a car in front of a house, it is not owned by someone from the org or a new player, so it is a target. Gather up, take your guns, and fire away.

Try this out: Buy a house, put your car in front, and wait how long it'll take for you to get raided. Even without having anything planted, or you have furnitured your house with a radio, you'll hear your door creak by the lockpick just metres away from you.

I think this shows that it doesn't matter whether you are rivals or not, you'll get raided no matter what.
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