Server Suggestion Show org roles for rivals

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Suggestion Title: Show org roles for rivals
Suggestion Description: When very close to a rival org member (closer than the red rival tag proximity), you can already see they are from a rival org, the suggestion is to add their rank on top of that

Why should this be added?:
- It's a perfect opportunity to joke about someone’s rank if they are a low-ranked delegate, or if they are the leader of the org, fostering more player interaction

What negatives could this have?:
- People creating org ranks that are against 1.2 (this is already enforced by staff as far as I know)
- Metagame-y? Well you shouldn't really know who's from what org if we're discussing realism but this is fun intended obviously

What problem would this suggestion solve?: N/A
Suggestion Title: Show org roles for rivals
Suggestion Description: When very close to a rival org member (closer than the red rival tag proximity), you can already see they are from a rival org, the suggestion is to add their rank on top of that

Why should this be added?:
- It's a perfect opportunity to joke about someone’s rank if they are a low-ranked delegate, or if they are the leader of the org, fostering more player interaction

What negatives could this have?:
- People creating org ranks that are against 1.2 (this is already enforced by staff as far as I know)
- Metagame-y? Well you shouldn't really know who's from what org if we're discussing realism but this is fun intended obviously

What problem would this suggestion solve?: N/A
I don't want you seeing me as a vault recruit! :(
Would be a nice feature but could also be used to target people from rival organisations, that's a bit of a downside aswell.
Overall im still supporting this suggestion though, would be kinda cool.
This suggestion is also a downside to wasting developers time as this is not really necessary
You could argue this with nine out of ten of the suggestions but yes fun intended, it used to be a thing way before from what I recall, they would probably just have to re-implement it in the live server

Probably if people are sensitive
When you rival someone, you can see that they are from the rival org, people bully others based off them being from a rival org but that's mainly in-character banter most of the time
I think there should be an option for leaders to toggle the visibility on or off, considering some orgs have some very questionable tags, I remember I saw one that was something something "raper" :jawdrop: :jawdrop: and you never know who could either have a problem with tags / role names depending on what they are.
I think there should be an option for leaders to toggle the visibility on or off, considering some orgs have some very questionable tags, I remember I saw one that was something something "raper" :jawdrop: :jawdrop: and you never know who could either have a problem with tags / role names depending on what they are.
As iterated staff has been enforcing the org tags actively before but allowing them to be visible or not visible as per preference by the org leader sounds like a good idea
As iterated staff has been enforcing the org tags actively before but allowing them to be visible or not visible as per preference by the org leader sounds like a good idea
Optional = everyone would just turn it off.
I don't get why people are hating on this so much, to be honest. It's a cool idea and wouldn't take that much effort to put into the game.
Whats the concern about being targeting exactly?
Not really a concern, i would just personally be pissed if i for example got targetted because maybe i am the leader/owner of the organisation.
I don't see it as a huge problem and this would be pretty cool, as long as it is not an option to turn on and off.
Before I think of if I’m for or against, I need better pros than “I want to bully low ranks”
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