Server Suggestion Remove splints and crippled legs

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Suggestion Title: Remove splints and crippled legs
Suggestion Description: This is the most obnoxious feature on the server and it's no fun whatsoever when you are crippled in a shootout, especially at the very start of it. You are expected to push out of a base during a shootout and to leave the scene under 3.4, how can this be possibly done when you are moving at such a slow pace and splints are no good either, you may as well remain crippled than taking damage for every little footstep you take while holding sprint. I'd rather be one tapped and I'm sure others will say the same.

The fact that you become crippled instantly and reduces your speed just absolutely kills the gameplay and it's not fun.

I could suggest having these changed but no, I am rather rooting for the whole 'cripple' system to be removed, I don't think anyone wants this.

Why should this be added?:
- More fluent gameplay
- Less annoying way of being killed by something out of your control

What negatives could this have?:
- Balance issues(?)
- Gives less for medics to do
I wouldn't say completely remove the whole crippled feature as it can still have some usage as well as the splints, For example in a Police Chase and you're on foot on the highway and decide to jump off, then I believe the crippled effect comes into place however I would vote on removing the Crippled Feature from being shot as it's extremely annoying mid shootout.
instead of this just make splints 'cure' crippled status. this will reward prepared players and continue to punish those who are not prepared. as they stand splints are useless and not worth the click it takes to apply them o_O
I wouldn't say completely remove the whole crippled feature as it can still have some usage as well as the splints, For example in a Police Chase and you're on foot on the highway and decide to jump off, then I believe the crippled effect comes into place however I would vote on removing the Crippled Feature from being shot as it's extremely annoying mid shootout.
Sure, jumping from heights is stupid and I can see why that should be a thing but in shootouts, the whole concept needs to be gone.
instead of this just make splints 'cure' crippled status. this will reward prepared players and continue to punish those who are not prepared. as they stand splints are useless and not worth the click it takes to apply them o_O
I was thinking along these lines, this would probably be the best option than removing the crippled feature entirely as it is realistic.
Mine and Nades original suggestions for adding Splints were for them to be added with the ability to purge the crippled status but that’s not how it was implemented.

They are completely useless and you’re right in saying they’re obnoxious. Have a carrying capacity of one splint per inventory or a cool down of 5-10 minutes before you can use another one if you’re worried about balancing.
Make them give you the current effect for 30 seconds or 1 minute and then they cure you fully. that way you cant chase spam them but take cover and heal and wait for a lil and you're back in the game.
Agreed. Removing the cripple system will completely remove the strategy of shooting someone's legs to stop them from evading you, from both as a civ and cop. I've been specifically shot in the legs by TFU to prevent my escape after I've murdered someone or killed some cops in a shootout.

Splints being able to actually cure your crippled status for $1000 in a shootout within about 30 seconds to 2 minutes seems more than fair to me. Being crippled in a shootout is a death sentence.
I got crippled on the upper staircase of slums as a cop in a shootout with slums 2. I couldn't pass the door or I'd die, so I had a cop nightstick shove me onto the bannister so I could get down to a medic to get healed outside, meanwhile the guys in the apartment simply had to endure being crippled themselves as we get 1-way healed from being crippled.
It's not fair, and it's not balanced in the slightest.

Splints will be made better by either fixing legs entirely but taking long to do or maybe allow you sprint and more normally for a set amount of time before crippling again.
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