Remove spotlights from defences [Discussion]

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Remove spotlights from defences because all they do is create 1 way defences.

Why should this be added? (pros):

Makes defending more difficult

Stops 1 way defences

People won't put too many spotlights down in a base

Most people play with shadows off regardless.

What negatives could this have? (cons):

I cant think of any


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Because constant raiding isn't already a big enough pain for people who base now you want to remove one of the main defences?
Thats all well and good, but it can be extremely hard to tell where you died from and who by in a raid, hence why this doesn't get enforced much
You have to peak in the exact angle the defenders are all pointing their guns at in order to hit the spotlight though.
Can we remove the following things from defences
Head busts - These things are bulletproof and fat head glitches
Spotlights - I'm already half-blind, I'd rather not be fully blind.
Max of 2 bookshelves in a base. Stops even further aids.
defending against 10 orange men with m4a1s is already awkward enough no thanks leave them so we can blind the raiders
I raided you with 2 people yesterday and you also made this complaint.
@bonk I know, that's why I told him he's wrong! If he is going to go off topic he could at least be right whilst going off topic.
Head statues aren't bulletproof iirc. Spotlights are okay I guess kinda bent at times but only really broken when you put a fence in front of it. Bookshelves are annoying but you can still shoot thru them.
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