Map Suggestion Remove the tables present in Bazaar

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Suggestion Title: Remove the tables present in Bazaar
Suggestion Description: As a person that really wants to have an open shop, the basic table in Bazaar is very much in the way. I believe it would look much better with walk-in shops. And since the table can be crafted, you can simply just put it back down. But right now, we can't remove it if we dont want it there.

Additionally, maybe provide one such table in every player's inventory to use for sweaters to use if they buy one? Or provide a tickbox when buying a Bazaar shop. PLEASE JUST ALLOW ME TO HAVE AN OPEN SHOP

Why should this be added?:
- Better shop designs

What negatives could this have?:
- New players lack tables?
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How about when you buy bazaar shops, it gives you the option to have the table or not?
How about when you buy bazaar shops, it gives you the option to have the table or not?
Yes this is a good idea but I feel the bazaar shop dimensions need to be sorted as pretty sure very shop has different dimensions. This makes it so everything is uneven
added the tickbox thing, cause that is a good idea I didn't think of.
Definitely a good idea, given that it is optional, some people like the tables and some don't, giving them an option is a great solution and may allow people to be more extra with their stores.

I remember seeing this exact suggestion back in 2019 by Rogue and was somewhat Denied / Accepted by Madda and was mentioned that Players without Premium need to have access to remove the tables however that's been changed.
Could be a mission reward actually, not a bad idea especially now that you can have a phsygun without premium
I totally forgot if it is a mission already or not but this could actually work very nicely to teach players how to run a shop, with the high popularity of bazaar lately I've shown bazaar to a few new players and they were blown away and incredibly inspired. Could be fun to allow them to sell the baseball bat they craft this way.

I believe they tables are part of the map but maybe this can be changed? Totally love the idea of the open design and giving new players a market table to sell from via missions. Tickboxes wouldn't be needed since everybody could do the mission and get a market table that way!
Or just give new players a bazaar table when they join ig.
Better yet, have it be part of a new mission, buying a bazaar store, crafting a table, placing it, and selling things in that store.

And I'm sure with how abundant and easy to buy bazaar stores are, people will fly through it \s
The tickbox option would be appreciated for a couple reasons. Though unlikely and usually recoverable, the mission table could be unfortunately destroyed by fire.
And sometimes when I'm physgunning small items on my player-placed table, I whiff and pick up the table, making it crooked or janky and having to reset everything. I appreciate the built-in table for its structural integrity and reliability.
I'll leave this open for now but this is something I'd like to implement in the future. The issue at the moment is that we cannot choose if the table models are there without a map update (as they are not entities), so this would probably be something we implement in V6. I'd likely go with the ability to choose if they come with or without the table.
Better yet, have it be part of a new mission, buying a bazaar store, crafting a table, placing it, and selling things in that store.

And I'm sure with how abundant and easy to buy bazaar stores are, people will fly through it \s
The problem with this is, depending on the server pop, it would be hard to purchase a vacant Bazaar shop. Even if they do successfully purchase one, I doubt they would continue to use or sell the shop after they have completed the mission. This will only exacerbate the current issues of people owning shops and not utilizing them, which becomes more unnecessary work for staff and an increasing frustration for those who want to purchase a shop.

The most easiest and sensible approach would be to remove the tables altogether. If players wish to have a market table, they can purchase or craft it themselves.

The next best approach is to have tables be an option when purchasing a shop, however, that's just unnecessary time and effort taken from the devs/coders when they can be spending their time towards something more useful.
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