Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/showing-names-on-doors.18368/#post-126418
MODERATOR EDIT: https://perpheads.com/threads/police-wouldnt-be-able-to-see-names-on-doors.18455/
Main Idea: Remove the ability of Officers to see the name of the owner of a property
Full description of the idea:
Why should it be added?: Everyone in the discussion agreed with the above sentence, plus is very unrealistic that only police officers can see that name looking at the door, if the name was written next to it everyone should be able to see it, by the way this would cause only more problems, and many people doesn't have their name written next to the door, so it's better to remove the names completely.
*Other additions: @Crazygecko and @Thomas DeSimone suggested to remove also the ability to everyone but government employees to check whether a property is owned or not
MODERATOR EDIT: https://perpheads.com/threads/police-wouldnt-be-able-to-see-names-on-doors.18455/
Main Idea: Remove the ability of Officers to see the name of the owner of a property
Full description of the idea:
The reason why the LEOs are able to see the owner's name at the doors was to identify suspects, warranted people etc. Now that the police computer is here though this is pointless and I would vote for it to get removed completely.
Why should it be added?: Everyone in the discussion agreed with the above sentence, plus is very unrealistic that only police officers can see that name looking at the door, if the name was written next to it everyone should be able to see it, by the way this would cause only more problems, and many people doesn't have their name written next to the door, so it's better to remove the names completely.
- It would increase the police computer usage if officers actually have to look on their computer instead of having the name written on the door;
- please suggest other pros with your opinion if you have any.
- For the officers might be a pain to always have to look at the computer to check who owns a property;
- It will be no longer possible to check the owner of some properties like church, some of the hicktown trailers etc. https://github.com/syl0r/Perpheads-Issues/issues/348
- please suggest other cons with your opinion if you have any.
*Other additions: @Crazygecko and @Thomas DeSimone suggested to remove also the ability to everyone but government employees to check whether a property is owned or not
I think doors should only display the name of the property and obscure information on whether it's owned to everyone but government players. It would get rid of the metagame-y factor of people searching properties to raid simply by mousing over a door and seeing if its owned or not. It would encourage people to actually scope out people in character to find if the property is owned lest they may risk wasting bobby pins on un-owned property.
Honestly I think all text on doors should be removed. I think it will stop random raiders from going door to door trying to find a red font as a target. Instead have basic common sense and use clues to find out if a place is owned a by who.
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