Rendall Marcus.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: YoloMuffin/Brian Husky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: -/Rendall Marcus
His/Her SteamID: -
Why Should This Player Be Punished: So it all started when i saw him run a red light twice (Show in videox1) So i wanted him to stop and call the LT. I followed him from PD to buisness, to beach, to office. (I did tell him to stop two times) Then he rammed me so i followed him. Then at the intersection was a red light and i decided to make a lap untill there's green. Then the officer rams me again and aims a gun at me and ask a officer to arrest me for trying to ram him off the road. After that he told in ic that his friend called him on skype and said hes being mugged. Also i want the LT to get a warrning for breaking 2.6 Because he didn't report his police officer. ALSO he lied about that i didnt pull over when he said to pull over.

I'll fix some grammar mistakes and upload the demo tommorow.
Evidence (Demo Required):
The video skips from tick 64075 to 67560. I suggest uploading the demo, so that we can see what happened between those two ticks.
Also, from what the video shows, the officer did indeed ram you, and then proceeded to drive off, which is breaking one of the laws; 9.8. The scene clearly hadn't been processed yet, and he still decided to drive off.
The officer also shouldn't have gone to ram your car right away when they went to perform the arrest. You showed no signs of resistance, and should've simply been asked to pull over. The officers also had no reason to pull a firearm on you, as you didn't appear to be hostile in any way, or attempting an escape.

However, since the time between tick 64075 and 67560 isn't shown, I cannot make a decision on whether to give support or not. Though, as far as the video shows, I can see that the cop broke: 3.22 & 4.2 (Drove across red light at intersection. This also includes law 9.3, regarding traffic lights), 4.1 (Law 9.8, as he drove off despite being involved in an accident, which had not yet been processed by law enforcement), 3.15 (Decided to ram your car head on in order to make it stop, although you showed no signs of attempting escape), 3.3 and 3.24 (Said his friend called him on skype about being mugged, and decided to respond to that IC)

Anyway, for now, it's neutral until a demo has been provided.
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As u were following me around. Telling me to pull over u Are a Threat to The Offcer,.
As u were following me around. Telling me to pull over u Are a Threat to The Offcer,.
Also he was folliwing me around for like 20 min before this even happend

The user has been given a warning for a complete disregard to the rules/laws on the server. As from his warnings the user has another one for breaking laws as an officer- if the user continues he will be blacklisted.​
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