Police Suggestion Deployable Shotgun / Shotgun Qual

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United States of America
Suggestion Title: Deployable Shotgun / Shotgun Qual
Suggestion Description: While long rifles and primary firearms in the hands of law enforcement in the U.S dates back to its conception in the late 1700s. Since as early as the first automobiles in the 1920s shotguns have been standardized equipment for most police agencies.

Currently Cpls and above in PLPD can carry shotguns. But leaves a massive gap when comparing the number of Senior Officers and regular Officers to supervisors.

My suggestion is to have deployable (From patrol vehicle) shotguns for all officers. Or, at the minimum have a shotgun qualification/whitelist similar to taser qualifications.

Why should this be added?:
- Realism - This is basic equipment. It isn't a specialized weapon system, it does require some knowledge of the gun but I would argue there is less consideration when compared to the taser.

- Additional Lethal Tool - Useful for; 1. Engaging vehicles where deadly force is already authorized. 2. Engaging targets in short (CQC) and intermediate (Streets/alleyways) ranges. And 3. Engaging with higher stopping power on par with other higher power weapons often in the hands of criminals.

What negatives could this have?:
- Lack of training / Maturity - Without qualification, and even possibly with qualification, unintentional injuries could occur with improper use of the weapon system. Use in crowded areas, improper ammunition load (Buckshot vs deer slugs), and spread could cause injuries.

- Over Zealousness - Without qualification, and even possibly with qualifications, patrol officers may ignore having TFU on and deploy the weapon system anyway.

- Testing and Selection - With the shotgun being a qualifiable weapon, it would require a supervisor or supervisors to be assigned for practical tests.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: - No TFU/TFU downtime - During off hours deployable shotguns if used may be able to give Officers when no TFU are available a fighting chance.

- Additional Qualification - Adds more qualifications to the PLPD portal for officers to have. This would aid for promotion selections and add more attainable content for even basic officers. More of these may help with the disparity in the real numbers of officers vs senior officers vs Corporals. More equipment qualifications may also give basic officers more incentive to hang around because they are given a level of value.

- Realistic Tool - When dealing with raids whether it be in city hall, or slums, it would be realistic for officers to have long gun options. Allowing everyone to have rifles would be the extreme for PERP and would make TFU less relevant and basic officers overpowered. But shotguns I think is realistic enough, and would help level the playing field enough to where it isn't OP.
The limited access to shotguns actively balances out pvp. Making it more easily available for patrol officers will simply balance pvp even further into the PDs favour.
Back in the day, shotguns were supposed to be in the cars 95% of the time, and even CPLs and SGTs could take them out situationally, for shootouts.

This policy was removed, and thats for good.

In perp, shotguns are powerful, especially in raids, as they are used for CQC, and can essentially 1 shot a raider. Having 10 officers with shotguns, in a raid situation would increase the chances of cops winning raids by an anormous factor. This cant be done really.

There still is TFU, and CPLs+ can be trusted with shottys, as then, the usage of such powerful weapons is limited.
Fighting against the shotgun cops rn is hard enough especially with the crosshairs we definitely dont want everyone with shotguns
I'm genuinely and unironically on the boat that having semi automatic only versions of either the M4/M16 or a semi automatic only version of an MP9 or MP5A4 would be far more balanced than giving all cops access to a shotgun, Just because of how shotguns work. The mandate for Officer weaponry always has been though that Officers and Senior Officers who aren't in TFU Shouldn't be equipped to enter a shootout, and judging by the reaction to this post, The community doesnt want this to change. (At the very least, In this manner).

Officers have relative advantage in close-medium range encounters with their pistols anyways and can trade close range capability off for better damage output across a wider range by taking a revolver instead of a pistol. Officers who dont have access to primary weapons should be discouraged from putting themselves in positions where they are outgunned and outnumbered anyways.
The argument of realism doesn't work when it throws balance out the window
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