Suggestion Title: Report wont close for 5mins after disconnect
Suggestion Description: when a player opens a report or a report is open with a player it wont be closed for 5mins if the player disconnects. for me personally i have shit wifi sometimes i randomly disconnect sometimes mid report so this would be really helpful,
also when players make reports and disconnect by accident they dont lose thier report position and the report informations.
Why should this be added?:
- QoL
- Avoid being banned for disconnecting mid report ( if disconnected by accident )
- if you open a report and disconnect by accident you wont lose the report postion and the report informations
What negatives could this have?:
- none i could think of
What problem would this suggestion solve?: it will solve alot of problems like if you disconnected and you have a report open for a long time you wont have to make a new report and fillout the information again, or when staff make a report with you and you disconnect by accident youll have the chance to get back on to the report