
Reaction score
Kongeriket Norge
I will, as of now, be stepping down from my position as a moderator. I was accepted as an enforcer the 4th of January, 2016, and I was grateful for this. I have enjoyed playing on Perpheads ever since I joined in early 2014, but over the past few months, my activity has been quite poor. I no longer find it as fun to play on Perpheads, not because it has gotten worse or alike, but that I now prefer doing other things.

The Senior-Administration Team has given me more than enough time for me to improve on my activity in order to maintain my position, and for that I am grateful. I have hold onto my moderator position as I find it enjoyable being able to help out, and as such I hoped I would regain interest in playing on Perpheads. It is, however, now evident that I will not be reestablishing my activity any time soon, and as such I see no reason for me to hold the positon anymore. @MrLewis & @Bolli would eventually have to revoke the staff position from me regardless, but I do not see any reason in me forcing them to make that decision due to me refusing to give up something that I no longer deserve.

I would like to give my thanks to the Administration Team, both the previous one, from when I was granted a staff rank, and the current one. I have had a great time being a member of PH ever since I joined in 2014. I will not be doing a long tagging list because that would leave a lot of people out. Although I will remain inactive from the server, I will probably be frequenting the forums as it has become a habit to check it out daily. I would also like to thank everyone I have played with on PH for making me have an enjoyable time, there's been quite a few experiences throughout the last 3 years, some more odd that others. Have some images from throughout my stay. It has been great being able to help out as staff. :trande:

:tunafish: 4th of January, 2016 - 28th of April, 2017 :tunafish:
You were a valuable asset to the staff team and a great Moderator too. Although people may have found you to be strict, you possessed all the skills needed to be good at being a staff member.

It's always a shame to see a staff member resign, but I guess it's inevitable.
No, please come back, you were one of the more reasonable nazi mods. Now they're going to hand out 2.1 warnings for every time someone sneezes without rping it properly. :(
Now you must do the only honourable thing Nazis do at the end of their reign.

Find a bunker in Berlin and do what must be done :booty:

You were a good guy, we will post edgy memes in the shoutbox in your honour
But you didn't rating unban me :c

But honestly, You were a nice staff member and its a shame to see you leave, you will be missed ;-;
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Cheers for all the great memories.


Thank's for your commitment to the staff team. Hope to see you again sometime.
Thanks mini for all your great time on the server! I hope you enjoyed it as much as possible and it is understandable after such a great time you get bored of perp! Thanks for everything and hope to see you one day again!
To be fair I think people made you look bad when you were just very strict on the rules when some were not, and I think that's something that is necessary for the staff team and the community as a whole, sure you get "hated" but whatever...

I'll miss you Mini, you've been a great staff member who's always put up great points in situations and always put yourself into other peoples perspective, you're also a great friend who's always there for your friends..

even brought you up as an administrator candidate several times... :(

Farewell Mini, have a wonderful time outside PERP!