Server Suggestion Revert the weapon + costume change

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Suggestion Title: Revert the weapon + costume change
Suggestion Description: Revert the change where you cant equip/have weapons when you're wearing a costume.

Why should this be added?:
- It currently defeats the entire point of having costumes seeing as having a weapon on you in perp is a must in 9/10 cases.
- The costumes are equipped in the forest, the most dangerous area possible, why not be able to defend yourself incase of a mugging?
- Costumes are completely pointless and useless now.

What negatives could this have?:
- Complaints about people using costumes in raids, but lets be real. Its only halloween once a year and its not too long of a time period either, it adds some diversity and fun into the server.
Since when is this a thing? I was raiding in a costume just last night and I dont see any updates anywhere
Since when is this a thing? I was raiding in a costume just last night and I dont see any updates anywhere
Since now I guess, I cant equip a costume due to me having a weapon on me, when I store it in my trunk, get the costume and then take it out again the costume is forcefully removed. "Your costume has been removed because you equipped a weapon"
I understand why weapons aren't allowed anymore in gunplay, but Camera, Binoculars, and Crafting bench/i assume chem table also results in losing the costume. Perhaps those could be allowed, and maybe even more like melee weapons
I understand why weapons aren't allowed anymore in gunplay, but Camera, Binoculars, and Crafting bench/i assume chem table also results in losing the costume. Perhaps those could be allowed, and maybe even more like melee weapons
You litteraly cant take a weapon out of storage to put for sale or anything right now as its instantly removed, but even then. Its part of halloween, why limit it like this. Gunplay is important in perp but why limit all the fun things over gunplay.
If it can be easily coded, a middle ground can be reached. I see no reason why raiding with an iron man suit or as a German soldier is going to give you any tactical advantage. Putting a limit on the overpowered skins would be a good thing though, the skeleton and charple are practically invisible. As mimeyy pointed out, not allowing other sweps such as the camera is extremely limiting, would be nice to fully enjoy this holiday season for the short time we have left.

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