Revert To Old Drugs System

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Professional Stripper
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Main idea: Revert to previous large and small pots for growing weed and coke instead of planters and planter boxes.

Description: I like the new system ngl and dont find it much hastle. But I put some thought into this. For me a big problem for a lot of the community atm nobody's basing anymore. Lack of raids means theres a bank robbery most mornings ect, fishing fags keep getting mugged or just old players getting bored and leaving which has already happened. Ive thought a lot about what would make more people base ect. I dont like zerg orgs, hence why I chose to play orgless for a while since I came back. One reason why people dont grow is the hastle of crafting planter boxes every time they lose a raid. The old system was better because people stacked pots, I had around 800 which turned to basic planters and eventually sold them all to Fredys by subs storage for $600 same as @Dom_ But nobody's going to stack planter boxes the same way because they have to be crafted ect.
If the old system was reverted I think allowing players to buy big and small potts from Uncle Cos would reduce the hastle and encourage more new players to grow drugs rather spending money on pointless basic planters to earn peanuts or getting mugged at the DD for their starting £20k. I think this could work well with an org member limit to create a lot more oppertunities for beef and could even make old players who left because of this to return.

I'd still like to thank devs like @Fredy and @Carrot for the update but I dont think it benefits the server as a whole.

-More bases
-More raids
-More crimimal and police rp

-More people powergrowing
-Economy is fucked.
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