Revival of a long lasting discussion The Suggestion

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Zagreb, Croatia
I've decided to give a try and revive a long lasting discussion that I made approximately one year ago. Keep in mind not all of the things are mentioned from the previous post ( ) and have been tweaked to the best of my ability. The discussion was met with mostly positive ratings and a post from some twat user named Walker and he memed the shit out of it.

Discussion Post:

Main idea: Add random deer AI spawning in the forest area of the map.

Description: After a successfull server restart, 2-3 deer spawn in random locations in the woods. They then go arround the forest patroling untill someone (a player) comes to hunt (kill) it with any firearm, wether a Glock 17 or a Barret .50 cal. Upon killing the animal, the player goes towards the ragdolled body of the deer and simply stands near it while getting a message saying "You skin some meat off the dead animal!" (the Bank Robbery type messages) and this repeats for arround 2-4 times. After the player has the meat, it can be reviewed in his inventory and dropped as an ingame item that can be cooked over the stove (of you wanna eat it) and replenish a whole load of hunger. If the player withes to sell the meat, he can do so by going to any NPC that accepts food and selling it. The uncooked meat would sell for 250$ at normal tax and the cooked version for 350$.

Now you're probably saying "This would just be a new way to make bad money and would be a big waste of ammunition. Sniper ammo sells for 4.5- 5k and I waste 450 - 500$ for every shot just to get some meat off a dear. How would this be a great idea?"

Let me explain. By killing the deer you get 2-4 slabs of meat in your inventory. Since one raw meat would sell for 250$, and if we say that you got the MINIMUM ammount of meat which is 2 meat, the entire raw batch would sell for a grand total of 500$ which makes you equal on the price of a single bullet and your gain. If getting 4 slabs of meat a 1000$ will be gained. With the cooked variant you gain 350$ per meat, which gives you a grand total of 700$! This of course means you wouldn't be in a minus since sniper ammunition is preety expensive.

"The bodies would create a lot of lag, what were you thinking?" The bodies could dissapear 5 minutes after the initial kill giving the player more than enough time to harvest it. Upon harvesting it the body is removed 30 seconds later.

"I killed all the deer. Now what?" The deer would respawn one minute after their bodies dissapear in a random location. This forces the players to hike arround the woods and not just camp in one spot and shoot deer to farm ez moneys, rather sacrifice some stamina.

"How would this benifit roleplay if the cops would constantly make arrests for discharging a weapon?" Like the use of the firing range at the farm, the local authorities could be contacted via 911. They can call up the highest ranking supervisor on duty and he could decide wether he should give premission for such acts to be practised under the excuse that the cops allowed it. The supervisor could easily dispatch a copule of units to check on the people and make sure they don't kill any person. The supervisor would remember the description of the people and ask for their name. If no supervisor is on duty, CPL or above, a Senior Officer or Junior Officer wouldn't be allowed to hand out premission to use a deadly weapon in the forest area. This would cause confusion however, since people wouldn't be able to distinguish friend from foe. This is why the officer could ask the supervisor over the radio for the names and description of the current hunters.

"How would this benifit the roleplay of anyone?"
I like to put myself in the shoes of a hunter who just got premission to hunt deer. What would I do? Where would I go? I would get some props and go to stonehenge to make a tent and a campfire. Then I would go arround with my Remington sniper, shooting deer and skinning them. After I run out of sniper ammo, I would go and cook it, then sell it for the highest profit. In short, I would have a great time with my buddies, hunting arround the woods.

  • another fun way of making money.
  • You don't waste money if you kill the animal.
  • Would improve player interaction with players teaming up to shoot up some deer and make an almost guaranteed profit (if they can shoot propperly).
  • Theres already a mod on the workshop, so no need to make a custom model ( ), just needs to be made so deer dont make it into the city and add the harvesting function.

  • a tad complicated
  • would cause confusion between officers if they saw a random man with a snipier out.
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Back in the earlier days I used to direct an organization called the Paralake Forestry Administration (now disbanded due to lack of members and nothing to RP with.) Maybe with this we could revive the PFA and actually get forest rangers around. Also, this would be a great alternative to buying food at fredys as it restores more hunger and can be used for passive RP.

Another suggestion, the 'deer meat' is called venison. And the 'cooked meat' is called a venison steak.
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Not sure how I feel about this. I can imagine multiple people in forest with guns hunting deers as tension builds up or it could just be a mugging hotspot and the mortality rate going up tenfold.

And then again it probably won't work. Why hunt for these animals when players can make the same amount of money and more in minutes while working a job like medic or police officer? In the amount of time it takes you to find one deer you could've finished cooking meth and make around 60k, or finish growing a batch of drugs and make thousands too.

What I'm saying is that I think this just is trying to encourage passiveRp, which is fine by all means. But I do believe the outcome is just not profitable in the end, nor safe.

Would add more PassiveRP to the server as its just kinda really a grow, sell, or job RP kinda thing atm. Maybe in the long run if this gets implemented the PLPD could even add a new division! Ensuring people who are hunting got a proper license, and only certain weapons could be used for hunting, even this permit would be able to be seen through PLPD Database so meh. Furthermore, maybe even a boat/better fishing system?? Random thought.

Would love to see this implemented!
If this happens the amount of meat you get needs to vary on what you use, if you use the M24, that should be the best, but if you use a Barret, or a .500, you'd be surprised if a deer is left, this should also require a knife/machete.

Would add another legal use for weapons and just some passive rp if any people base at farm or just simply people looking to do something casual
This has to be one of the worst ideas every suggested in the history of perp.

Why would the good old development chaps waste time on this when other idea's suggested are far superior in every possible way.
Why not add birds in the sky so we can shoot them down for extra marksmanship level or cows at the farm so we can RP as farmers and get wheat so we can make bread (inb4 someone takes this to serious:new suggestion incoming!!!) You see if this gets added its going to be "cool" for the first few days and after that its going to die out and then thats going to be another addon that will cause more lag and frame drop on the server
It would be too dangerous to allow hunting in the forest, as this would mean guns are being fired right next to a highway and very near residential building such as the wood cabins, the farm and hicktown. I don't really think this will add anything to the experience.
Just me or the old thread isn't locked? :kappa:

I'm totally in, it can make custom passive RP when people sell what they hunted, maybe trapani pasta will have trapani pasta with meatballs lmfao, also something for me to do when growing.
The NPC would be too glitchy tbh. For example, it will get stuck, walk onto the highway and so on. But good suggestion. Something similar or if NPC's are improve in source then it would be a great idea
I really like this idea but to stop people running up to a dear and stabbing it and making easy money I think as soon as the Deer takes damage it should start to run and probably run the same speed as a player would but maybe it would be a bit slower. Then after 10secs it would run out of breath and go back to walking normally.

Due to the length of time this thread has been open, it will now be moved to the Denied section.
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