Server Suggestion Revolvers and Shotguns

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Description of the idea: Increasing the reload speed of certain revolvers and shotguns, or the addition of speedloaders/shotgun shell holders

After personally experiencing the reload speed of revolvers in particular, I've realized just how incredibly outmatched they are, when compared to pretty much any other weapon type. I've decided to test this using 3 weapons: The Taurus Raging Bull, Benelli M3 Shotgun and an AK-47. Why did I choose these weapons? My Taurus was already loaded and I didn't want to waste too much of my pistol ammo, the benelli is just the first shotgun I got my hands on, and the AK-47 is a weapon I borrowed from @muradqaqish

I decided to use my very small brain and editing experience to see exactly how long the reload animations are for the Taurus, the Benelli M3, and the AK-47, to see how well these other two firearm types match against one of the most used rifles. Video can be found at the bottom of this post. Here you will see that the Taurus Raging Bull has an approximate reload time of 11 seconds, plus or minus half a second. The Benelli M3 has a reload time of approximately 10 seconds, and the AK-47 with an empty mag takes 4 seconds, while non-empty is 3 seconds to reload. The timer I used is kinda weird and milliseconds go up to 30, before reaching 1 second, but the timing isn't off or anything, so it should still be accurate.

Why should this be added? (pros): The current reload speed of revolvers and shotguns is atrociously bad, with revolvers seemingly being the worst.
Increasing their reload speed would:
Make shotguns and revolvers more viable in combat
Make me stop crying for spending 10 seconds reloading my gun while plpd zerg rushes my location
Please post any pros you have on your mind below in a reply.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
People would die more often, more quickly.
Balancing issues perhaps.
Please post any cons you have on your mind below in a reply.

*Other additions:
If increasing the reload speed isn't something people are in favor of, there also is the option of speedloaders for both types of firearms. Shotguns have shell holders, but they do also have a certain speedloader, which is displayed in one of the videos below. Everyone knows about the speedloaders for Revolvers, though I included a video of those as well.

I am personally more for increasing the reload speed rather than adding speedloaders, because they'd either have to be something craftable, or used as default without an additional item, but at that point, it'd be easier to re-use the current reload animation, and just speeding it up. Speedloaders would need new animations and models, so they're not what I'd go for, when there's the faster and easier alternative of speeding up the current reload animations.


Example of speedloaders for both shotguns and revolvers:
Shotguns I’d say no because they’re literally shotguns, which give almost unbeatable close range accuracy and power in exchange for a slow reload time and ineffectiveness at medium-long range. Revolvers on the other hand, please.

Theres a reason people don’t use revolvers despite revolvers being god tier weapons when used correctly and that reason is solely due to the fact that you reload a revolver as well as old people fuck.
I would use revolvers much more if they had speed loaders.

Please make this happen so I can use a revolver as my main weapon. Don't do it for shotguns though, refer to Benjis reply.
This has been open for a while so a little bump for such a good idea is worth it.

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