Rough diamonds: New criminal currency for tax evasion, laundering, and stashing.

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Description of the idea:
Adding Rough Diamonds as a form of tax-less, untraceable currency.

As it stands, the only way to buy something without cash is to pay with either drugs or in kind. The trouble with the first option is, drugs are completely illegal.

To obtain rough diamonds, you can either buy them from the drug dealer, or receive them as payment for a bank robbery or a drugs transaction.

Each diamond should be sold for 1K each at the drug dealer, or obtainable by selling 1k's worth of drugs. For the remaining dollars, you will be given cash, for example, if you sell $62500 worth of drugs and choose to have the payout in diamonds, you will receive 62 diamonds and $500, which can be sold to the Jennifer's NPC And / or the bank foreman for the same price. For balance, maybe selling them to jennifers could be taxed? More reason to want low taxes and to take action against no tax sales. Also, the price could dynamically scale too. I don't know what factors would effect diamond costs though, suggest some below!

The diamonds will also be an option of payment for successfully winning a bank raid.

The aim of this suggestion is to add some form of currency other than cash that can be used to tax evade with a legal loophole, just like how rough diamonds are used IRL.

With the mining suggestion that's allegedly underway, maybe they could be a rare item you can mine? They could also be thrown into fishing too I guess.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- More roleplay on the business side, dealing with diamonds in place of cash like criminals do IRL.
- The legal loophole might create some interesting roleplay situations.
- Realistic.
- Gives the bank foreman something to do.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Could be rarely used.​
Seems a little pointless IMO. Paralaje doesn't have a government tax agency that makes you cook your books. If there was a paralake irs that'd be one thing but right now I just don't really see it being needed
Except tax evasion is handled by PLPD Officers anyways? So you're saying this is pointless because we don't have a specific job thats sole purpose is to stop tax evaders?
My point being as long as you don't tax evade DIRECTLY in front of a cop, you're fine. How would going to your storage to obtain these items (as they'd be too valuable to just carry around everywhere and lose to mugging) be easier than just waiting for the cop to leave? When I tax evade, I have the person wire me the money, then go into the back of the store. Works every time.
@BigBenji and if that was regularly vetted by police, that would be a problem. I have literally never at any point in my six years on perpheads seen that

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