Royal British Mafia

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May return in the future.​


Who are we: We are The Royal British Mafia. We are generally passive towards other organisations. We usually stick to our own territory, although 'exceptions' can be made. We operate highly secretively, so if we declare war on you, be on high alert, you will have no idea who you can trust at all.

What do we do: We commit criminal activities in general, but we also offer protection services.
If you purchase our services, however, you will need to pay your tax, otherwise we shall discontinue your benefits.

Our style of cars and clothes:
We remain highly secretive so our members are not required a specific style of vehicle or outfit.

Rank Descriptions:
- The mastermind of the entire organisation.
Overseer - Keeps all the lower ranks in line, makes some key decisions along with the boss
Specialist - If you have proven you are proficient in a certain skill, you may ask to be made a specialist of your skill.
Gunman - Our main 'cavalry'. These are directly involved in raids and other high profile criminal activities.
Soldier - They generally patrol in our territory, collect taxes, and mug other people if they wish. Their main job is also to guard our bases.

The concept of the Royal British Mafia has been around for centuries. The first recorded true gathering of criminals was around the 1700s. It started out as a low profile criminal
organisation that had close relations with the government. It almost went horribly wrong when the government discovered their huge contributions to the criminal underworld in the 1800s,
but a series of briberies sorted it all out for a while. Today, The Royal British Mafia's legal side now operates closely with the British government, including working with the MI5.
The criminal side of the organisation moved to America, where they have formed a few alliances with organisations such as The Commonwealth, and The Virtuous.
The Royal British Mafia also has a large amount of allies in the UK, including gangs that are part of the Liverpudlian mafia, the Arif family, the Woolwich Boys and various crime gangs in Glasgow.


Currently Anonymous

Islamic State of Yasmin


The Cassos / Lnskys
The Cacuzza Crime Family


Annihilated Opposition
British Mafia [Defeated]



Dealing with firearms


Armed Robbery


Drug production & trafficking

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Features include:
Automatic tea making facilities
Crumpet dispensers
A convertable roof - To reveal a roof painted like a union jack

Order yours within the next 12 hours to receive a whopping
0% off!
That's right, a massive 0% off. That's absolutely nothing less than what you would normally pay if you order within the next 12 hours!

Also - thread was updated to make it look nicer rather than incredibly blank
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A Message from Us to You. Read it and understand it!

The "Royal British Mafia", an org so small has been declared at war with us because actions were taken to our organization members. This was triggered off when some of your members took actions against our organization members, this was then taken into account by us and action will be taken against your organization. As there is only a few of you we would like to give you the opportunity to surrender while you have the opportunity or fight, surrendering would be the most appropriate method, however surrendering will not result in us becoming 'allies' ; nor does this mean we are now neutral with each other. These actions will be taken into account throughout our organization and will be remembered, if anything pops up again with the "Royal British Mafia" we will take actions immediately.
Due to economic and internal issues within The Commonwealth, we are unable to assist you in this war. This is also due to a standing alliance between both parties. It is with regret that The Commonwealth hereby dissolves our alliance and Non-Aggression pact and will be negotiating certain demands and decelerations. If these are un-met, then a state of war shall exist between us.
Your org leader was shot dead yesterday during a mugging. He had no pain. With a shotgun to the head. The Cassco's are coming.
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Your org leader was shot dead yesterday during a mugging. He had no pain. With a shotgun to the head. The Cassco's are coming.
Since Tyla and Harry have moved over to the Belinsky's and now you have just openly admitted to killing one of them, I will make sure you are dealt with accordingly, you are now on my list and I will be seeing you shortly sir.
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