rule 3.6 interpretation

how do you interpret rule 3.6?

  • C) idk

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So I want to know for RP purposes what rule 3.6 actually entails (I did look but cant find this distinction anywhere in past threads)

3.6 Stay Alive​

Typically, players must, at all times, do everything in their power to prevent and/or avoid their own death.

If it didn't have "typically" I would interpret this as no suicide etc at all but since it does, I would interpret it as only under specific circumstances that would relate to RP i.e. "i was robbed and left with nothing im gonna jump! :("

Helpers online believe this means no suicide at all

Also interested to know how everyone else has interpreted it thus far hence poll

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​

Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.
You should not kill yourself under any circumstances, this is explicitly stated in 3.6, stating " Players must at all times do everything in their power to prevent/avoid their own death" the fact that it says typically, is in relation to accidental suicide deaths, such as for example, throwing a grenade and missing the intended target, resulting in the death of your character( as one example)
You should not kill yourself under any circumstances, this is explicitly stated in 3.6, stating " Players must at all times do everything in their power to prevent/avoid their own death" the fact that it says typically, is in relation to accidental suicide deaths, such as for example, throwing a grenade and missing the intended target, resulting in the death of your character( as one example)
is that written somewhere or is this how you interpret it?
We don't allow suicide at all, usually the RP surrounding it is terrible. You've either got people doing it because they don't want to go to jail or to earn a quick buck. I remember how annoying a certain player was who would always threaten to kill himself at the end of Police chases, it just forces the cops to drop any kind of RP preceeding it and yield all control to some dolt who would rather die than continue roleplaying
It is to keep the integrity of roleplay going rather than suiciding your way out, even if it is in a roleplay sense. Nobody likes suicide RP, don't do that.
We don't allow suicide at all, usually the RP surrounding it is terrible. You've either got people doing it because they don't want to go to jail or to earn a quick buck. I remember how annoying a certain player was who would always threaten to kill himself at the end of Police chases, it just forces the cops to drop any kind of RP preceeding it and yield all control to some dolt who would rather die than continue roleplaying
That makes sense - is it something most moderators know then? Just wondering bc as a new player I found it pretty ambiguous
That makes sense - is it something most moderators know then? Just wondering bc as a new player I found it pretty ambiguous
Yeah, it is enforced like this quite uniformly across the board. I can change the rule to remove the "Typically" part

I have removed the "Typically" part
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Yeah, it is enforced like this quite uniformly across the board. I can change the rule to remove the "Typically" part
I think that would clear it up, but thats me personally. I could see it causing disagreements with punishments? if its working for everyone else tho then Ill just learn and get over it hahaha
Theres no other way to interpret this imho, The rule states very clearly what you aren't allowed to do.
Most times when people kill themselves it's over the smallest things that won't be realistic.
For example, you are on the ctiy Bridge and you have been chased by the police for driving too fast or for running a red light, so you can't just go out at the bridge and jump off. Because most of the time people do it, it's to troll

My way and explain it is they. Scenarios I've seen where people commit suicide on the server are over small things where they know they shouldn't do it. have never seen where it has been with RP and to do.

But if you had to, it would be if you either killed a lot or committed a bank robbery and you didn't have any weapons and you were about to jump out. Then it would have something to do with rp but since
RULE 3.4 is there then it doesn't work.
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I've always seen 3.6 as this weird catch-all. As far as I'm concerned, it's just inhibited PLPD/First-Responder players in their capacities, only sometimes is 4.1 (and either 4.2/4.3) also attached.