Rule removal

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United Kingdom
Topic: Rule 6.4 Bank Robbery Hostages

Short explanation (in notes):
- Allows bank robbers to take hostages in a bank robbery

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I think it should be added because why not?, in real life you are allowed to keep hostages in a bank robbery, when police raid a house they can keep hostages to keep the police out for longer so why wouldn't it be allowed with bank robberies

Optional additions:
The fact is that bank robberies will simply become too easy. Hostage takers can tell all officers to back off while they move outside with the hostage into their vehicle, and tell the officers they will leave the hostage somewhere. Heck, they could even use a 'fake' hostage and carry out that plan anyway, basically getting money without any risk.
The thing is that you say "In real life you can do this" but there's a lot of things you can do in real life which isn't in the game.

Yeah, well to be fair I disagree with this, it's too easy. Pretend that you have a hostage and Boom, you have basically stalled, wasted time and got out or either get the money. Same with Niko really.
I was gonna post on this but you beat me to it. But yes, I agree. A rule should also be in place saying "You are not allowed to rob a bank and have a friend/buddy as a hostage. Hostages should only be taken from within In the bank and remain and do what the robber says or they will risk there life, If your friend is at the bank and you did not Intend on him being there, you may do whatever you wish for him with a vote with you and your robbing buddies". You just have to do some critical thinking to patch up the loop holes. This makes It so you cant get 3 of your friends to go into the bank seconds before you barge In.
As people have said above; if you have a hostage the whole PD is (if you can play your cards right) your bitch. You could literally make the Lt. give you a blowjob if you threaten to kill the hostage.
I don't think this would be a good idea. Of course there's hostage situations in bank robbery's in real life. But considering hostage situation in perp in a whole is more or less one tracked. Hostage gets killed. Swat raid. There is no real good system of hostage taking unless the person that is taking the person hostage has a good plan of escape. Or the cops have a good plan of getting the hostage out of there. It will be the same if they allowed hostage situation inside the bank really. It would be to easy to rob a bank and get away.

If there was a better system for hostage taking then sure. But playing as an officer I've been in tons of hostage situations. The officers don't take commands well, They don't listen and they get the hostage killed and themselves killed. It's rare to have a pitch perfect team with me during a hostage situation. The only one I can remember is when I was talking in the front door and got swat to breach the bac door, flash bang and pull the hostage out and gunpoint the people with guns, not one shot was fired. That was fun.
Than let it be fake hostages? Its ok I guess, but maybe a rule that the hostage cannot participate inside the vault or cant have weapons on him?
I know it isnt fair but what can you do, who says that IRL bank robberies sometimes dont have fake hostages for more money or bigger reward for what ever they request.
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