Rule Suggestion (2.5 Excessive Negativity)

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Suggestion Topic: 2.5 Excessive Negativity
Suggestion Description: Maybe this whole thing is a fallacious misinterpretation of the rules by a staff member but

This is needed because a staff member when asked "If a hostage taker kills the hostage after police fail to obey the given demands, is it 2.5?" he said yes it is 2.5. So if a cop was to disobey and be the catalyst for the death of a hostage they would receive an IA, if criminal was to respond accordingly by shooting the hostage, they would get a ban for 2.5 because they did something which was appropriate escalation that was due to the actions of incompetent officers. Context is crucial here but simply saying you're not allowed to execute your hostage regardless, defeating the purpose of taking a hostage in the first place with the already high risk you take doing such act.

Rewritten rule:

2.5 Excessive Negativity
Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

When holding a hostage, if demands given were to not be fulfilled or the hostage taker is attacked, it is appropriate escalation to kill the hostage first.

For example, it is not acceptable to:

Intentionally mug and target new players.
Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
Cause unnecessary damage to a stolen vehicle without good reason.
When enacting revenge on a player through the use of explosives or incendiaries, users must take precautions to ensure that uninvolved player's items are not damaged.

Why should this be added?:
- Fairness
- Real Consequences
- Making it so cops don't fly off with an IA while crims get a whole ban for doing something which makes sense. (Equal Punishment)

What negatives could this have?:
- People will be angry when taken hostage
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There are situations where you can kill a hostage and situations where you cannot. If someone has told you that in no situation you can then please make a staff complaint with evidence.
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