Rule Suggestion (3.26 /me Function)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.26 /me Function
Suggestion Description: remove performing multiple actions within the same ‘/me’ would be deemed unrealistic

Why should this be added?:
for example Leonard takes all equipment, communications and weaponry

1. no need to spam /me on chat (/me take guns , /me take communications , /me take panic button)
2. easy way for people to use /me no need to type a lot or bind alot
3.faster way to use /me
4. i dont see what is the point of that rule
5. if you have 2 or more people and want to use /me it will be hard

What negatives could this have?:
might be op
You could just do /me takes equipment as i believe that is allowed to be done to remove police officers equipment.
You could just do /me takes equipment as i believe that is allowed to be done to remove police officers equipment.
no its not as @A1L said u should do /me take guns /me take raido /me take etc|

i really find it dumb rule imagen if i want to raid pd quietly cba to type shit for 2 or 3 officers at same time
The reason behind this is most probably because the other user should have a chance to resist/react to each action if they so desire, granted that it has to be in a scenario where they're able to do so without getting instantly murdered. It is a role-playing server after all.

I'd rather suggest that performing multiple actions in one /me is allowed in cases where the other party is unable to resist these actions due to resisting said action putting their life at risk (i.e. under gunpoint)
Taking items is one action? "/me takes equipment" is perfectly valid and in accordance with the rules.
Taking items is one action? "/me takes equipment" is perfectly valid and in accordance with the rules.
His /me in reference is: ** Leonard takes all equipment, communications and weaponry
Are his communications and weapons not part of his police equipment? Did he sneak in a walkie talkie and pepper spray
so can i use /me takes equipment ?
I think you do one thing per /me rather than just saying 'equipment'. Most police will still roll with it even if you do it in one action so its not that big of a deal.
so can i use /me takes equipment

You could have some keybinds, here are some things you can put right next to each other
/me Removes utility belt ( No guns / cuffs / panic etc)
/me Removes any large firearms (Rly for TFU and CPL)
/me Cuts radio cord (No radio)
/me Removes utility belt ( No guns / cuffs / panic etc)
/me Removes any large firearms (Rly for TFU and CPL)
/me Cuts radio cord (No radio)
same issue imagen if i have 2 or more officers undearGP it will be 3xnnumber of people i want to use /me on them so raiding pd quietly will be almost impossible
You poor thing. Imagine how we feel when we gp 2 of you...
when you GP civ and tell him to put his hands up his gun get droped and he cant put it down tell 30 sec but cops can put it down any time and there guns stay with them they can pull it anytime even if there hands up

i think niko idea is good

do you think that fair ?
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when you GP civ and tell him to put his hands up his gun get droped and he cant put it down tell 30 sec but cops can put it down any time and there guns stay with them they can pull it anytime even if there hands up

i think niko idea is good

do you think that fair ?
I think that's an issue with the mechanic itself, not the rule.

The issue is that half the time when you GP 2 people, both ignore you either way. So it doesn't really matter tbf.
i mean police can press right click then take all your illigal stuff realy quick without having to say , /me takes stun grenade,/me takes 5.56 nato 30x mag and alldat
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