Rule Suggestion (5.2 Forced Withdrawals)

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Suggestion Topic: 5.2 Forced Withdrawals
Suggestion Description: A new addition to 5.2:

5.2 Forced Withdrawals
In order to help preserve gameplay, players may not attempt to force other players to withdraw funds from an ATM/transfer funds from the mobile banking application from their phone. In addition, players may not force other players to withdraw items from their storage boxes/trunks, unless they are lawfully searching a storage container under Section 3 of the Paralake Penal Code. The other exemption is that players may force others to withdraw money or items when their belongings have been; stolen, taken via scamming, or loaned to, by the player who refuses to return the belongings.

During administrative situations/reports, members of staff may remove items or money from an individual if they feel that a rulebreak has led to them being obtained or prevented them from being lost when they would otherwise - e.g, a breach of 3.4 during a mugging which would otherwise be successful. These can either be removed entirely or given to another individual who the staff member believes should be in possession of them, had the situation played out without rulebreaks.

Why should this be added?:
- Would give a solution to a very prevalent issue of people breaking 3.4 to preserve items/money that would otherwise be lost, as currently quite a decent chunk of the playerbase would simply rather be warned than comply with a mugging
- Would heavily de-incentivise rulebreaks of this kind and would lead to an overall reduction in rulebreaks, meaning everyone is happier
- Members of staff's judgement of situations should be able to consistently be trusted to be reasonable and fair, so either the correct outcomes - which would've been reached if no rules were broken - will be reached, or staff members who make questionable judgement calls could be brought into question or spoken to and shown other perspectives of situations - potentially improving their judgement as a whole.

What negatives could this have?:
- Abuse cases from any potentially abusive staff members, however would have to happen manually so it would be difficult to abuse - not to mention just how rare direct staff abuse like this actually is
- Disagreement on the judgement of how a situation would play out without rulebreaks could lead to conflict/wrongly removed or gained items and money, - however could be corrected easily enough if brought into question and found to be incorrect judgement
- Could be difficult to enforce retroactively without seeing what a player has on him - could be worked around via logs however
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