Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

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Suggestion Topic: 5.3 Raiding
Suggestion Description: Limit the amount of frag grenades used in a raid to like 2 or 3, discuss the number

Why should this be added?:
- Abuse of too many frags
- Unrealistic, no way in a "simple" house break in anyone would have more than 2 grenades,
- I believe everyone who's played as a defender/PD when aloo is on knows why this suggestion makes sense
- Having a group of 6 people all with 2 nades each makes the game unplayable,
- More balanced aspect to the game, dying whenever you try to climb up the stairs, or raid or something alike and being thrown a nade your way isn't balanced after all

What negatives could this have?:
- Criminal mains will complain if this becomes a thing
- Grenades won't be used as much making the market for them die
20 cop and 5 TFU is a very very rare sight, most situations have like 10 pistol cops, and up to 3 TFU, even if there's more than said number, if they're all one one stairs in a complex 1 single grenade is enough to kill half the PD and the whole TFU.
4k is nothing for a thing which can delete the whole PD.
You can't complain about the price when you're willing to spend 25k for a gun with a sight, or even bigger amounts depending if you want more guns and ammo and shit, it's literally the easiest way to kill the whole PD and the cheapest.
I've told you this suggestion isn't specifically about you, yes nobody uses nades quite like you do but it worries me that people will start to use it as you do, it's gonna turn to absolute chaos then, the fact that there's no limit on something so powerful is so mind blowing, like make the limit 10, 15, 20, like that's even better than being able to use unlimited amount of nades.
As an officer you already have a noticeable and effective advantage against criminals given the nature of the equipment exclusive to the police force that remains entirely unusable by anyone outside of the cop job. A grenade, at most, equalises the odds for some. Unless it’s a 4am raid with 3 pistol cops online I wouldn’t argue the odds shift a grenade provides ever truly puts a criminal group beyond equal.

Bear in mind that Zerg groups where players raid with rifles outnumbering the police force is something we’re finally seeing a lot less of and once again depriving criminals of a valid strategy to deal with an entire police force is something that drives players into this zerging tactic.

And in terms of the base, A good defense and an average young persons reaction time is a major obstacle for raiders to overcome and grenades equalise this odd. Putting chain fences on your barricades as well as other defense build strategies can negate the risk of raiders grenades significantly.

Also, how do you plan on us enforcing this rule change?

how do you want from 4-6 people to deal with the amount (tfu have x2 guy heal)
The Armour system isn’t necessarily a 200 health system but I won’t derail the thread on that discussion.
I've seen some good points in the suggestion discussion, it might just be that in fact this suggestion was stupid. There's a way to be played and apparently grenades fit into it and they can be avoided, good luck nading and eating said nades boys.
Yeah so basically i changed my mind after i saw Megasaw's video.. I thought it will be too op but i saw that cops are actually too powerfull and there are like 20 cops bascially in the best raid time and like i said you are only 4 and 4 raiders or maybe less vs 20 cops its a bit hard,so yeah downgrade
Suggestion Topic: 5.3 Raiding
Suggestion Description: Limit the amount of frag grenades used in a raid to like 2 or 3, discuss the number

Why should this be added?:
- Abuse of too many frags
- Unrealistic, no way in a "simple" house break in anyone would have more than 2 grenades,
- I believe everyone who's played as a defender/PD when aloo is on knows why this suggestion makes sense
- Having a group of 6 people all with 2 nades each makes the game unplayable,
- More balanced aspect to the game, dying whenever you try to climb up the stairs, or raid or something alike and being thrown a nade your way isn't balanced after all

What negatives could this have?:
- Criminal mains will complain if this becomes a thing
- Grenades won't be used as much making the market for them die
In before you start hearing 3 grenades going off at once
To me, any amendments to rules shouldn't come at the expense of pigeon-holing the players to only be able to play in one way - which is what this suggestion would do.

A LOT of raiders don't ever even use grenades, and if they do, it hardly tends to be more than two. But they provide a bit more of an alternative to a traditional raid as you actively have to listen to any sound ques such as the pin being pulled and being able to run in a timely manner so you don't get hit. Had a fun raid two days back, where I think it involved about 5 grenades being thrown when trying to raid @ALOO89 and his property and it was a lot more fun than playing hide'n'peek for 5 minutes - it took a lot more than just a grenade being thrown for that fight to be won because myself and the other officers actually played around the fact grenades were being thrown by actively communicating and managing our space to escape each time.

I think this rule would only really affect a small group of players and it isn't an oppressive issue that hinders the PLPD/defenders useless.
i know why youve made this, you see aloo (grenade assasin raper) get like 5 pd and you are like "thats op asf m8 wtf" , most nades ive seen kill none, the shrapel is entirly RNG and its not like a COD grenade where you throw it like a baseball, you toss it like 3 meters at most , just cope mate

We already limited bombs and grenades, they’re a massive money sink and it’s not fair to limit them any further.
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