Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

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Suggestion Topic: New Rule
Suggestion Description: 2.10

All players are expected to be following Steam's User Agreement, ensuring they are 13+ years of age or older. Exceptions may be made for players with adult supervision if authorized by an administrator.

Why should this be added?:
- Protect kids from harm
- Steam's user agreement is basically TOS
- Better server reputation
- More competent and mature player-base

What negatives could this have?:
- Some people might lie similarly to meta gaming so it may need investigation taking up staff resource incase a problem arises sparking staff interest.
i dont see a point in interrogating every player joining the server to ask them for their ID and ensure that they are of TOS age when it's no-one's responsibility but valve and the parents
I'm down with this personally. Its very aggervating having to deal with very young children just had an extremly annoying one on PD last night. Ive always thought perp should be age restricted. I dont see this happening though unfortunately.
How do you suggest we enforce this rule?
Whack rule, let the youngins' have some fun. We should try to give them a positive experience so they don't turn into toxic people when they get older.

The older generation should teach the younger so they are ready to carry on the torch and maintain a healthy community, break the cycle and all that jazz.

Also, if Fredy gets sued or some shit for letting kids play on the server breaking TOS I will personally pay for the lawyers (Insert Better Call Saul Theme here)
I'm down with this personally. Its very aggervating having to deal with very young children just had an extremly annoying one on PD last night. Ive always thought perp should be age restricted. I dont see this happening though unfortunately.
age restricted to what level, most people asking for that are saying 18,like what the flip dood
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