Rule to feature

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Let's say hypothetically we could take a rule, and change it into an in-game feature. What this means is, said rule will no longer exist, since it's a game feature and the game will punish you for it in-character.

Which rule would you like to see changed into an in-game feature, and how? (If you want to post your idea, you must state rule number and what rule it is, as well as how it should be changed into a feature, explain in detail)

If you wish to comment, comment on the specific idea you want to comment on. Any other replies that are NOT an idea will get removed.
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3.30 Recognising Players
Players may only recognise and/or describe another player if they have seen a reasonable amount of their face; this rule is generally based on whether or not a player has had an opportunity to see another player’s face. Typically, players should base whether or not they should be able to remember a player based on whether or not they actually remember the player’s In-Character name (the name that ‘floats’ above player’s heads). This means that players can change their clothes, for example, and still potentially be recognised by someone.

Maybe remove the names above people so that you only know ones name if he tells you or gives you like an id of some sort, that would stop a lot of meta and encourage people to use descriptions, photos and ids

EDIT: There could be an ID system that each player has an unique number, and to reveal your name to someone you'd have something like "/Showname 389" and if the 389 id player is nearby the name will appear for him
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3.18 Storages and trunks
While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person. This includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

Feature: Make it so you can't access storage while being raided/warranted by police. If one of the front doors have been pinned/lockpicked/blown off, you can't access your storage until the door is back and locked. For cars, you can't access the trunk if it has taken damage for the past 1 minute or more (Can argue the X time here)

Secondary proposal: Can take anything out, but can't put anything in.
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Parts Unknown
3.28 Being Tied-up
When a player has been tied-up and/or gagged, in some form by another player, the former player can only become untied and/or ungagged with the direct assistance of another player - the ‘/me’ function must be used where appropriate. Players should refer to rule 3.27 if they have been restrained for an excessive amount of time and they are not part of any active role play situation.

Alright, what i would love to see on the server is a possibility to gag someone. When the user is gagged , he can't use voice chat or normal chat but the user may still use the /desc function ( maybe also the /me function?)

The user can only be gagged with ducktape ( or some kind of cloth )


additional(by Xquality):
What I'd also like to see is the possibility to see the player's inventory, but can't take anything. Just to get a look at what he's carrying. (When zip tied)
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Netherlands, Tilburg
3.21 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), the NPCs must be treated as regular players and taken into consideration within roleplay situations, simply killing the NPC usually isn’t sufficient. For example is if a player is involved in a bank robbery and is visiting the hospital to receive treatment from the NPC the aforementioned player should ensure his and the NPC’s lives are not in immediate danger.

My idea is the following, and it will be working like this:
If you have a weapon in passive or attack stance, and a NPC clearly saw it (Developers might have to add some sort of viewrange for the NPC's?) you will have to walk upto them and either scare them or bribe them. This could look something like this:


If you do not scare or bribe them, the NPC's will automatically call 911. This could be done with some sort of timer going off? so if you do not take care of the NPC's untill (10-20?) seconds have passed the police will be informed.

I see a lot of people getting banned for this when they simply forget to take care of the NPC's. Using this method, you will not get banned for not taking the NPC's into consideration because you will get punished
ingame because the police will get informed (maybe you could get automatically warranted because the NPC saw your face and realistically a whole investigation will take place etc etc)

Some details of the idea:
- If you use the first option (threatening the NPC) you will have a 65% chance of failing, and still get wanted afterwards, however the police will NOT get informed yet!
- Using the bribe option you will have a 20% of getting warranted, however the cops will not be informed of what is going on on the moment you still are there.
-If NPC's hear gunshots in a area of around (30 meters) the police will be called aswell if you dont take care of the NPCS.

Some cons:
Hard to create
Might cause weird glitches with NPC's randomly calling the cops

Please leave some constructive feedback in the comments. I am willing to change the idea if you think something is incorrect or not to your liking, and all the things in green are to be discussed. Thanks all

Ive decided to write it down again, but a bit shorter for all the lazy people out there

-When NPC's see you carrying a weapon they will call the cops if you dont take care of them and they will have a certain viewrange (you will have 10-20 seconds to take care of the NPC's before they call the police)
-When NPC's hear gunshots in a circle of 30 meters they will call the cops if you dont take care of them (you will have 10-20 seconds to take care of the NPC's before they call the police)
-Using the bribe function you will have a 20% chance of getting wanted after comitting a crime (this only takes place when the NPC can see you carrying of firing a weapon, if the NPC only hears gunshots you will not get warranted)
-Using the threat function you will have a 65% chance of getting wanted (this only takes place when the NPC can see you carrying of firing a weapon, if the NPC only hears gunshots you will not get warranted)

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Parts Unknown
I guess the same system will work as the bank npc? That make's the warrant.. That is the check if you gunpoint the npc, of course in this case you don't get a warrant. But if you gunpoint the npc you will get this menu

// phone
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does this thing apply on forum rules aswell?
because then

1.1 Disrespectful Behavior

instead of banning people for saying a bad word like "idiot", a word that is for the one that says it not that harmfull and malicious but could be harmfull and malicious to the one said to, we censor the word in it's entirety so the entire forums becomes a safeplace for all! this way any slip up that did not have many thought about, like saying: "retard" will not get you banned anymore!

@Allen Kennedy @Josef Stalin @Sneaky