Saitama Work Out

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i stopped working out for a while and i wanted to just have something simple and free to do at home.

100 squats
100 pushups
100 situps
10 km run


is it bs or good workout for home for somebody like me especially who doesn't have any equipment?
today was the first day by the way, i tried it out and I did it on an empty stomach only drinking water to hydrate. It was actually a nice challenge causing me to almost puke a few times lol.

@Efan your input specifically would be great bro
No fitness guru and opinion on this topic is divided but my only advice would be being careful running that much that often, especially if you're running on solid ground like pavement. Running is high impact and, in excess, can cause serious joint deterioration later on in life.

Try switching it up every now or often with something low impact on your joints such as cycling, rowing or swimming. Another good alleviation is running on softer ground such as grass.
divide by push, pull, legs to let your muscles recover, 6 days per week and you rest on sunday as god wanted
do cardio only after working out
weights are great, but if you dont have them, use your body where possible, get other sort of weight for arms curling movement
workout 1 hour a day, then play perp for 6, this is my routine and im chiseled
dont eat sweets

this advice was fact checked by true perp patriots
quick question, have you been running already?
Yea, I took a long break from working out without any valid excuse other than a half-assed joke of a reason I'd tell myself that would go something like "oh the community gym I go to is closed for construction, let's just wait until it reopens," totally bullshit. However and therefore today I am getting back into it.

I haven't done the run yet because I want to avoid excess just as @Acerius stated. My longest run was 5km but in one go but I stopped cause I just got bored running in the forest and it was getting dark.

i stopped working out for a while and i wanted to just have something simple and free to do at home.

100 squats
100 pushups
100 situps
10 km run


is it bs or good workout for home for somebody like me especially who doesn't have any equipment?
I would switch to swimming really everything is in control
i stopped working out for a while and i wanted to just have something simple and free to do at home.

100 squats
100 pushups
100 situps
10 km run


is it bs or good workout for home for somebody like me especially who doesn't have any equipment?

It’s bullshit for muscle growth as there’s no progressive overload. You would need to increase weight on resistance exercises or volume.

It will be ok if you just want to maintain a level of fitness but once you reach a certain point you will not continue to improve but rather maintain.