salty rant: police radio comms

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ive been playing cop nearly the entire day and it triggers me that alot(too fucking many) dont know how to use the radio. people talking over each other, litteraly ignoring priority transmissions. i’ve been warning alot today and the next unlucky fellow who doesnt know how to do it correctly is going to get a reprimand from me since its official policy. i hope other (high) ranking officers will enforce and follow this too. this is needed when we have 16 officers.
Yeah, it's pretty annoying. I was waiting for the radio to clear before calling out to dispatch, THEN THE MINUTE I FUCKING START TALKING SOME FUCKING CUNT TALKS OVER ME.
here is a perfect example on how fucking aids it gets. every minute i have to mute my radio because people use it unessary.

1 guy saying whats going on enough. even dispatch cant or isnt listening

-snip wrong vid-
The radio can be a mess from time to time, but i agree that officers should refrain from talking when knowing another officer is talking unless a priority call is made.
When an officer tells you to stop transmitting so he can tell you about his sick one taps tho.

We all know who this is.
I think it Depends on each situation, theres been a lot of times you get cut off when saying something such as that you're pulling Someone over or reporting that Someone is escaping you as a police, generally most times someone cuts you off at that point is when theres a shootout or if theres an emergency such as if Someone got run over, I agree it can be annoying but I think at those situations its completely fine to cut you off
My gripe recently has been people with mics that are literally cancer and earrape the shit out of the entire PD every time they transmit. Not much you can do about them unfortunately but would it really hurt to spend more than 50p on a mic.
This annoys the hell out of me.

It got so bad that even @Jordan had to step in to remind everyone and yet it was still happening. I may have made a suggestion to make priority transmissions more clear I will do some digging and if I find it I will post it.
This is something that I've been looking into specifically.

I am currently working on training resources and other documents to help with the lack of professionalism and discipline the radio coms is undergoing. This in addition to Jordan's concept, should definitely improve this.

And since ya'll complaining like mad, I shouldn't expect you to complain about those 'additions'. xd