Sandbox - Garry's Mod 2 (Yeah, it's happening)

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So yeah, it appears team Facepunch is at it again, this time creating a Garry's Mod like game but with C# as programming language (which is in my opinion a big advancement) and built upon Unreal 4.

It's currently pretty early, but also very exciting to know that this is coming!

Our intention with Sandbox is to take a powerful game engine (UE4 right now) and build a hotloading C# layer on top of it. The idea being that you will never have to touch C++, you never have to wait for things to compile, you never have to close the game while developing.

We're hoping that what we're making is engine agnostic. Our goal was to build this on top of Source 2, but that seems unlikely now - as it's doubtful that would have any actual benefit over what we're currently doing.

I assume this would mean no more lua scripts? Would mean GM13 D-Day all over again, but c# is a ez language to learn
I assume this would mean no more lua scripts? Would mean GM13 D-Day all over again, but c# is a ez language to learn

Well we could just grab NLua or Lua.Net and implement Lua ourselves, that'd mean two layers of scripting :)


Though I have my doubts as to whether this will be what everyone hopes it is, all I can really think is 'Imagine the possibilites' when it comes to porting something like perp over.
Though I have my doubts as to whether this will be what everyone hopes it is, all I can really think is 'Imagine the possibilites' when it comes to porting something like perp over.

A couple of things that come to mind:

Allowing the game to process more data such as simulating physics and other systems without slowing down the rendering or input threads, which allows for more smooth gameplay and more complex systems.

The network code in Unreal 4 is significantly better structured than Source's systems, with better implementations of popular systems such as linear interpolation and other prediction algorithms.

Unreal Engine 4 has a very complex rendering system when you compare it to Source. For example, fluorescent jackets could easily be made in Unreal 4, where as this would be hard to do in Source. Also think about better lighting and shadows. Also way more detailed models.

Object Oriented
Lua in it's nature is not an object oriented language: it's procedural, which means that the code tacks onto eachother as the programmer writes code. This is different in C#: code can be called from nearly any point in the code, and an object (class, method, variable) can be instantiated and referenced nearly anywhere as long as the code for that object is present.

Also the support of static classes and the ability to start threads ourselves adds a whole lot more posibilities.

As C# is a managed language, a whole lot of libraries become available to developers, such as encryption and scripting. You could essentially implement a scripting language such as Lua into your own plugin!
It looks great, but wouldn't it be too hard to move perp over? We'd forever be in the dark days of source 1 :(

I think that with this great possibility we should leave PERP behind us and venture into something new, create a gamemode from scratch to fully utilize the game's capabilities.

I know that at least I'm going to finally leave Garry's Mod and PERP behind when this gets released, who knows what's going to sprawl up out of the fresh soil Garry's putting down for us. :)
A couple of things that come to mind:

Allowing the game to process more data such as simulating physics and other systems without slowing down the rendering or input threads, which allows for more smooth gameplay and more complex systems.

The network code in Unreal 4 is significantly better structured than Source's systems, with better implementations of popular systems such as linear interpolation and other prediction algorithms.

Unreal Engine 4 has a very complex rendering system when you compare it to Source. For example, fluorescent jackets could easily be made in Unreal 4, where as this would be hard to do in Source. Also think about better lighting and shadows. Also way more detailed models.

Object Oriented
Lua in it's nature is not an object oriented language: it's procedural, which means that the code tacks onto eachother as the programmer writes code. This is different in C#: code can be called from nearly any point in the code, and an object (class, method, variable) can be instantiated and referenced nearly anywhere as long as the code for that object is present.

Also the support of static classes and the ability to start threads ourselves adds a whole lot more posibilities.

As C# is a managed language, a whole lot of libraries become available to developers, such as encryption and scripting. You could essentially implement a scripting language such as Lua into your own plugin!
Fuck all this shit, irrelevant.

All that's important is that we can have a map that actually is not the size of this

remember when you were triggered as a kid because your car was too big for these things? thats how source feels.
Fuck all this shit, irrelevant.

All that's important is that we can have a map that actually is not the size of this

remember when you were triggered because your car was too big for these things? thats how source feels.
That "shit" is the reason we can have maps of that size.

Let's put this into perspective shall we:
Source currently supports 32 bit systems, which means you can have around 2.147.483.647 objects loaded into memory, and to understand why we need to go into a what that means.

32 bits basically means that there are 32 ones and zeros available to represent a position within a collection, this collection can contain anything. For every bit, the amount of data that can be stored is multiplied as followed: 1 x 2 x 4 x 8 x 16 x 32 x 64 x 128 x 256 x etc... etc...

Unreal Engine supports 64 bit systems, and what that means is that you can store a whopping 9.223.372.036.854.775.807 objects (That's 4294967298 Source maps!). That's a lot of map props, vehicles and players!

And that is just the size of ONE number in memory, you could store literally millions of those depending on the available memory, which means your posibilites are about limitless.
the game shows what would be the result of gmod and rust having a baby. (not surprising since garry himself is involved in this game, rust and gmod too)
just by what theyve shown i think i prefer gmod but ill wait with my full opinion until theyve released the full game
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but the thing is; we'll have to remake the cars.
does this mean Corolla finally gets his own AE86 ? ? ? ?? AND DRIFTING?????

this will be really COOL