Suggestion Title: Scale custom crosshair size with screen res
Suggestion Description: I understand it is not a crosshair from counter strike that is fixed on top of your screen with certain number of pixels.
But not having the crosshair be the same size always kinda defeats the purpose I think.
Also they cost a good chunk of money, maybe it should be a option to resize it for each sight, instead of buying different size but same looking ones?
Why should this be added?:
- consistency
What negatives could this have?:
- too much work
- maybe its not possible idk
Useful Images:
Suggestion Description: I understand it is not a crosshair from counter strike that is fixed on top of your screen with certain number of pixels.
But not having the crosshair be the same size always kinda defeats the purpose I think.
Also they cost a good chunk of money, maybe it should be a option to resize it for each sight, instead of buying different size but same looking ones?
Why should this be added?:
- consistency
What negatives could this have?:
- too much work
- maybe its not possible idk
Useful Images: