Scale RC impound recovery payments up by vehicle speed / price

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Brief description of idea: So, a common problem police officer winge about is that criminals are fleeing in cars which are too fast. Why don't we discourage this by increasing the recovery price of an impounded vehicle up significantly, where a mini cooper would cost $500 and a bugatti veyron would cost like $20,000, genius.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
  • A slight reduction in super cars being involved in pursuits, creating more realism
  • RC earns more money if they get % of money
What potential negatives could this have for the department:
  • An arguably big nerf to civilians
  • Increase push of vehicles to get revenge on supercar owners
  • more reports due to someone pushing their vehicle and they don't want to spend 20k
  • RC will do everything to take ur car
  • considerable money loss for high price car owners
Other additions: Increased price for 12.12 seizures
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Would also work by giving RC (perhaps) 25-50% of the impound recovery, E.G They'd get 10K out of the 20k
this would make owning a super car stupidly expensive hell the repairs on most car's are expensive enough and not all super car owners stay rich so if it get impounded there fucked and loosing 20k over illegally parking at storage is just cancer
this would make owning a super car stupidly expensive hell the repairs on most car's are expensive enough and not all super car owners stay rich so if it get impounded there fucked and loosing 20k over illegally parking at storage is just cancer
then don't illegally park at storage
then don't illegally park at storage
well LOOSING 20K ISNT A PROPORTINATE RESPONSE also double j if rc got a cut they would become super active and just camp at hot spots clamping car's and it'd be cancer
yes it is, people need to start caring about their life + vehicles more
yeah but loosing 20k over stopping for 2 seconds is just gonna make people not interested in perp did you even think this through befour posting ??
yeah but loosing 20k over stopping for 2 seconds is just gonna make people not interested in perp did you even think this through befour posting ??
you dont get your car taken for stopping for 2 seconds you get it taken for leaving it there or for evading cops
you dont get your car taken for stopping for 2 seconds you get it taken for leaving it there or for evading cops
people will go to more of an effort to hide instead of doing laps around the city until they get caught
you dont get your car taken for stopping for 2 seconds you get it taken for leaving it there or for evading cops
umm mate ive had my car clamped and impounded for stopping at storage he ran outa nowhere clamped it and towed it
how many cars get clamped cause someone else bumped into it and it moved, how many cars get stolen and abandoned, how many officers arrest you and get your car impounded?
Tbh I would shoot an RC if he tried to take my car losing me 20k for my vehicle especially if the reason is very shitty like on the line or something like that.

I don't mind my car getting taken for 1k but more and it will start to trigger me as the amount of my cars getting taken over such small shitty issues is too high.

RC would camp a lot of spots or push into vehicles (unseen) to just get the free 10k of your 20k of the Bugatti as it is easy money.

TBH sounds like a shit idea to me, I am not fond in any way to this idea as it will in my opinion only bring a lot of new issues such as money loss due to other people bumping into your car, A shit ton of increase of reports for illegal taking of my vehicle cause I didnt move it and it is impounded or my car got stolen now I have to pay 20k to retrieve it.

Sorry you aint got my support on this one chief!
how many cars get clamped cause someone else bumped into it and it moved, how many cars get stolen and abandoned, how many officers arrest you and get your car impounded?
Tbh I would shoot an RC if he tried to take my car losing me 20k for my vehicle especially if the reason is very shitty like on the line or something like that.

I don't mind my car getting taken for 1k but more and it will start to trigger me as the amount of my cars getting taken over such small shitty issues is too high.

RC would camp a lot of spots or push into vehicles (unseen) to just get the free 10k of your 20k of the Bugatti as it is easy money.

TBH sounds like a shit idea to me, I am not fond in any way to this idea as it will in my opinion only bring a lot of new issues such as money loss due to other people bumping into your car, A shit ton of increase of reports for illegal taking of my vehicle cause I didnt move it and it is impounded or my car got stolen now I have to pay 20k to retrieve it.

Sorry you aint got my support on this one chief!
yeah this wasnt a very well thought of idea NGL it'd just flood the staff with RR for car's being pushed etc
you dont get your car taken for stopping for 2 seconds you get it taken for leaving it there or for evading cops
Considering how alot of RC act, e.g. getting my car impounded because someone else rammed it and having to pay 30k for that is just a bit silly. I feel like some players may go out of their way(ramming ect.) to get others expensive cars impounded. Plus by using the expensive cars, risk of staging is a disincentive in itself to drive recklessly.

edit: did not read blobs reply mb
Rather than this, how about we just disallow players to recover their impounded vehicles whilst they have an active citation?
Also if you park your shit chevvy or a lambo your impound fee will always be the same anyway In real life anyway.

I am really opposed to this idea due to it being very unnecessary, repairs, all good that they cost 5k for high end vehicles, impound is just utter bullshit, there is no other reason than TaKe MoNeY fRoM cRiMiNaLs, the amount of times my car got stolen and impounded, pushed by either civilian or COP, will for sure costs me literally 100s of thousands of dollars because I drive an expensive tesla or bugatti or mclaren or whatever.

also let's not forget the amount of times cop cars put their vehicle in front of you to just head on crash you leaving ur vehicle in the middle of the road for a juicy 20k recovery rate yet again

This map is absolute little and 9/10 the cars are caught anyway because you drive once around the map and find it.....

Your point of having less chases is stupid, atleast PD has something to do next to playing blackscreen simulator.
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