Server Suggestion Adjust car re-sale value for cheaper cars

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Description of the idea: Adjust the percentages for how much you gain by selling a less expensive car by increasing the re-sale value, this should be applied to cars under 600K, the percentage should be a 75% instead of the usual 50%.

Possibly also apply this to upgrades too for cars that cost under 500K, getting more money from downgrades.

Why should this be added? (pros): "City" cars would be a more attractive option as you could resell them without having a breakdown on why you spent so much on them.

Beneficial for new players that seek to sell their vehicles for a better one.

What negatives could this have? (cons): None I can think of, would only bring pros.

*Other additions: As said above, possibly increase the money you get from downgrading cars that cost under 500K. Upgrade price should stay the same but you should receive more money back from downgrading.
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